YCLD Ephemera Collection
This is the largest archival collection in the holdings. It represents a wide range of social, economic, cultural and ethnic communities reflecting the spectrum of human activity, past and present. The Yuma County Historical Society began collecting archival materials in 1965. This effort continued after it became a branch of the Arizona Historical Society in 1971, and later the AHS-Rio Colorado Division. Over the decades various methods were employed by staff and volunteers to organize segments of the materials. The bulk of this collection is based on the organizational structure adopted in the 1980s. Subheadings have been added to make this large body of material more accessible to researchers. Between 1993 and 2012 volunteers also assembled and organized twelve linear feet of newspaper articles primarily from the Yuma Daily Sun. These contemporary articles have been added within the appropriate headings. It is arranged alphabetically both by geographic place names and subject headings that range from broad to more specific. Its scope covers the breadth of human activities and knowledge of the Lower Colorado River area of Arizona, especially Yuma and La Paz Counties, from the Spanish period to the present. See container list.