The Writers' Corner
Online Publishing Tools
We all know the library is the place to go to find published books. But what if you, an aspiring author, have something you are ready to share with a wider audience?
Let the Yuma County Library District help you write and publish your own great American novel! Using the free tools below, you can create, format, and submit your original work as an ebook to our new online, self-publishing collection.

With Pressbooks Public, writers can create professional-quality print-ready books and eBook files to distribute commercially and share through their library at no cost.
How It Works
• Create a free account
• Use the Dashboard to enter information about the book and design the book’s appearance using themes and templates
• If you have an existing manuscript, you can upload it or copy and paste it into Pressbooks. You also have the option of creating directly in Pressbooks
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Format Your BookShare

Through the Indie Author Project (IAP) publishing community, authors are able to submit eBooks directly to their local public library, as well as have them vetted by Library Journal and library editorial boards.
How It Works
• Click on ‘Submit Your Book’ and follow the instructions
• Your book will be added to BiblioBoard Library and be available through all Arizona libraries who participate in the program
• All submissions are also reviewed by Library Journal with the potential for inclusion in the royalty-paying Indie Author Project Select collections available at libraries all across the U.S. and Canada
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Submit Your BookDiscover

Audiences and publishers can now find your work featured on BiblioBoard Library or Indie Author Project Select.
BiblioBoard Library provides access to state and local eBook collections, a historical database, and so much more. You can access BiblioBoard Library on your preferred device with no login or library card number required. All content on BiblioBoard Library is available with no holds, waits, or checkouts.
Indie Author Project Select features top indie-published books in adult and young adult fiction. The books are curated by Library Journal and library editorial boards in regions across North America. IAP Select features NY Times and USA Today best-selling authors, and numerous award winners.
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Browse Indie AuthorsFrequently Asked Questions
Does it cost anything to participate?
No, there is no cost involved.
Do I retain the rights to my work?
Yes, authors may pursue other publishing opportunities and can remove their work from IAP platforms at any time.
How will readers find my book?
BiblioBoard Library and Indie Author Project Select are both featured in several locations on the Library’s website. You can also share the direct link to your book.
Can I submit more than one book?
Will I be paid if my book is added?
If your book is selected for the Indie Author Project Select collection, you will receive royalties for your work.
Online Resources for Writers
Websites For Writers
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NaNoWriMoNaNoWriMo helps you track your progress, set milestones, connect with other writers in a vast community, and participate in events that are designed to make sure you finish your novel. Oh, and best of all, it’s free!
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Arizona Authors AssociationArizona Authors Association's primary goal is to support and assist the literary community in creating and publishing its best body of work to reach the widest possible audience.
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WriteByNightWriteByNight is a writers’ service dedicated to helping you achieve your creative potential and literary goals.
Single Button Module is the one-stop shop for information, resources and writing community. Writers can connect with other writers on our forum, visit our blogs and sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter. They’ll also find weekly writing prompts, contests and competitions, conference listings, and online exclusive articles.
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VisuwordsVISUWORDSâ„¢ Online Graphical Dictionary - Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate.
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UsingEnglishOnline English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics, covering the full spectrum of ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas.
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Purdue OWLThe Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material.