Library Fees


Lost Items:

Uncataloged Items (paperbacks, magazines, & boardbooks) $3.00     
AV Cases $2.00
Cataloged Items Replacement cost of item
Processing Fee for Lost Cataloged Items  $5.00

Inter-Library Loan items (ILL):

Overdue ILL Items $1.00 per day up to $15.00 per item
ILL Items Not Picked Up $1.00 each item
ILL Postage Cost May incur a charge of up to $3 each way
ILL Request For Material May incur a fee charged by a non-Arizona Library
Lost/Damaged ILL items Cost is determined by lending library


Replacement Library Cards $2.00
Damaged Material or Missing Parts Replacement cost of material or part
On Hold Items Not Picked Up May incur a fee of $1.00
Returned Checks $25.00 processing fee in addition to financial institution’s charges
Broken AV Cases $2.00
Collection Assistance (Referral Fee) $10.00


Film/Fiche Printer 10 cents per page
Non-resident Library Card $5.00 per month
$25.00 per 6 months
$50.00 for 1 year
Non-resident Volunteers: no fee*
*requires management's recommendation
Library Card for San Pasqual Valley Unified School District Students $5 for 1 year
Reference-by-Mail, Phone, Fax, Email May incur a charge up to $5, plus photocopy fees & postage
Computer Printout 10 cents per page (b/w)
25 cents per page (color)
Photocopy Machine 8½ x 11 paper: 10 cents (b/w), 25 cents (color)
8½ x 14 paper: 10 cents (b/w), 25 cents (color)
11 x 17 paper:  20 cents (b/w), 50 cents (color)

Meeting Rooms:

Commercial Rate Main Library:  Room A $30 per hour; Room B $25 per hour; Room C $20 per hour; $10 additional per hour for each combined room
Conference Room $25 per hour; Classroom $20 per hour
Branch meeting rooms: $25 per hour

Mini Meeting Rooms (Conference Room at Heritage and ½ meeting room at Somerton) No technology:

Heritage: $25.00 per hour (Commercial) $15.00 per hour (Government)

Somerton: $15.00 per hour (Commercial) $15.00 per hour (Government)

Government Rate* $15 per hour for 1st room, plus $5 additional per hour for each combined room  (*excludes Yuma County Government)
Non-Profit Rate (see meeting room policy) One room one time weekly, with a maximum of 4 times a month, at no charge
Damage Deposit (refundable; see meeting room policy) $50 per event (Branch specific)

Image with the pay fees online text and credit card icons.

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