TITLE: Yuma County Library- Biography Collection.
DATE RANGE: 1850s-current
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 37 linear feet (75 boxes)
PROVENANCE: Over 3,200 biographical files compiled from various sources by staff and volunteers between 1965 and 2012 comprise this collection
CREDIT LINE: (Name of File), Biography Collection, Y-MS 14, Yuma County Library District, Yuma, Arizona
PROCESSED BY: John Irwin, 2013
SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE: Biography folders are filed alphabetical by the last name of the individual or family group. Original photographs found in these files are organized within the YCLD Subject Photograph Collection. A significant number of individuals also have oral histories filed alphabetically within the YCLD Oral History Collection.
Maiden family surnames of women are noted in parenthesis when known and are useful in connecting family groups. Also listed in parenthesis are nicknames, tribal affiliation, and towns and geographical locations other than the City of Yuma, if the person or family was particularly identified with a particular location. Artistic and creative occupations are also noted, such as writer, musician, dancer, photographer and artist.
The scope of the collection is regional. In addition to Yuma County, the biographical files cover what is now La Paz County; western Maricopa County; eastern Imperial County, California, especially the Fort Yuma Quechan Reservation and Winterhaven located across the Colorado River from Yuma; Bard and the Picacho Mining District in California northwest of Yuma.
The Biography Collection consists of a wide range of materials. Individual files may contain genealogy and family history information, reminiscences, interviews, resumes, obituaries, eulogies, funeral cards, newspaper and magazine articles, research notes, and occasionally original or photocopied correspondence, legal documents such as birth and death certificates, real estate deeds, wills, and family memorabilia. Many files contain only a single item, while some files are voluminous, especially those of pioneers and Yuma families of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Between 1993 and 2012 volunteers assembled and organized newspaper articles in the Yuma Daily Sun that featured individuals from all backgrounds. These contemporary biographical materials are included in this collection.
Although the Biography Collection contains many obituaries, the files are not comprehensive nor do they contain all obituaries that may have been published in Yuma County newspapers.
This is an active collection intended for adding new materials.
Box | Title |
Surname Index, Arizona Sentinel newspaper, 1872-1899 | |
1 | Yuma Area Pioneers – Lists and Brief Biographies |
Abarca, John Romero | |
Abbott, J. S. | |
Abril, Louis M. (“Gordo”) | |
Acheson, Rev Raymond C. and Mildred (Howell) | |
Acker, Zaida (Tacna, Ariz.) | |
Adams, Clifton | |
Adams, Henry P. | |
Adams, Tom | |
Adams, Vonnie | |
Adair, Norman and Ruby (Livingston) | |
Adams, Samuel (“Steamboat”) | |
Aepli, David C. | |
Aguirre, Amanda | |
Aguirre, Mary | |
Aigla, Pluma | |
Ajsenberg, Abraham | |
Akers, Walter | |
Alarcon, Hernando | |
Aldrich, Harold | |
Alexander, Bill | |
Alexander Family | |
Alexander, Henry Nash | |
Alexander, Louis W. | |
Alexander, Marion T. | |
Alford, Burt | |
Allec, Marie | |
Allec, Mary C. | |
Allen, Dan | |
Allen, Esther | |
Allen, Carol Hales | |
Allen, Dora |
Allen, H. B. (“Pie”) | |
Allen, Mary E. | |
Allen, Ray (woodcraftsman artist) | |
Allen, Sallie Fox (includes photocopy 1859 Gila Trail reminiscence) | |
Allman, Perry | |
Allt, Mary E. | |
Allt, R. John Francis | |
Allt, Tom | |
Almas, Bob | |
Alspach, Tom and Nita | |
Alvarado, Carmen | |
Alvarado Family | |
Alvarez, Abraham | |
Alvarez, Gill | |
Alvarez, Paul and Matt | |
Alvarez, Ramon G. | |
2 | Amabisca Family |
Amado, Manuel H. | |
Amavisca Family | |
Ammons, Carl R. | |
Ammons, Lena (Holling) | |
Ammons, Mary (Alexander) | |
Ammons, Millard and Olive (Alexander) | |
Amon, Drs Brock and Jean | |
Amparo, Naomi | |
Anderson, Bill | |
Anderson, Brad (cartoon artist) | |
Anderson, Charles V. | |
Anderson, Cindy | |
Anderson, Elizabeth | |
Anderson, Jane (Foster) (WWII Nazi Berlin broadcaster) | |
Anderson, Robert A. (“Bob”) (“Red”) | |
Anderson, Ed | |
Anderson, Eunice L. | |
Anderson, Gay | |
Anderson, W. J. Sr. | |
Andress, Walter and Jacqueline (Ridenour) | |
Andrews, Neil B. | |
Angel, Jose | |
Angelico, Salvatore (“Sam”) J. | |
Angelo Family | |
Ankrim (Auksienne), William J. | |
Anisello Family | |
Antone, Barbara | |
ApJohn, Dr. Henri |
Appleby, Roger (“Buck”) | |
Araza, Bob | |
Arce, David (dancer) | |
Arce, Jennifer | |
Archibald, Conception (Wong Bueno) (San Luis, Ariz.) | |
Armbruster, Jim | |
Armenta, Elizabeth | |
Armenta, Iona Catherina | |
Armenta, Jesus | |
Armenta, Mariana Norton | |
Armento, Pio | |
Armistead, Lewis | |
Armstrong, George | |
Armstrong, William W. (“Bill”) | |
Arnabar, Dr. Candido P. A. | |
Arnold, Dr. John | |
Arnold, George N. | |
Arnold, Virginia | |
Arretche, Joanie | |
Arriola, David | |
Arrow-weed, Preston (Quechan) | |
Arroyo, Calixio | |
Artist, Raymond E. | |
Arviso, Francisco Sanchez and Antonia (Chavez) Family (Picachao, Calif.) | |
Atmar, Joseph W. Jr. | |
Aubrey, Francois Xavier | |
Autrey, Ann | |
Aversch, John (“Go John”) | |
Avila Family | |
Avila, Ray | |
Avila, Tim | |
Axford, Joseph (“Mack”) | |
Ayala, Adeline Mercedes (Redondo) | |
Ayala, Alex | |
Ayala, Edward | |
Ayala, Mary Ann (Redondo) | |
3 | Babb, William Dillard Jr. Family |
Babcock, Eugene (“Gene”) and Velma (Jacobs) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Babcock, Grant and Sue Ann (Simons) Family | |
Babiars, Brian | |
Bachman, Sallyanne | |
Badilla, Tony | |
Badillo, Pedro (“Six-Toed Pete”) | |
Badgley, Betty J. |
Badgley, Sara Pat | |
Badone, Richard | |
Baggett, Don | |
Baggiore, John D. | |
Bailey, Don | |
Bailey, Elfie | |
Bailey, John B. Sr. | |
Baker, C. H. | |
Baker, Charles E. | |
Baker, Claude and Ida Belle (McCain) | |
Baker, Edward B. and Delores (Ortiz) Family | |
Baker, Edward L. | |
Baker, Henry E. | |
Baker, Hosea and Ruby G. (Sexton) | |
Baker, Ida Belle (McCain) | |
Baker, Joseph W. | |
Baker, Marian Evelyn | |
Baker, Wimberly | |
Baldwin, Thane | |
Baltenbach, Judith | |
Balsz, Alexander Family | |
Balsz, David and Luz (Redondo) Family | |
Balsz, Frederick | |
Balsz, John Family | |
Balsz, Joseph M. | |
Balsz, Josephene | |
Baltz, William (“Bill”) | |
Bandy, Tipton and Nancy Elizabeth (German) | |
Bann, Anita Francis (Wadin) | |
Bann, Thomas (“Tuck”) and Marilyn | |
Banta, Albert Franklin (also known as Charles Franklin) | |
Banueles, Cyrilo | |
4 | Barajas, Javier |
Barclay, C. L. | |
Barker, Loay (McVay) | |
Barkley Family | |
Barkley, Les and Floy (Taylor) | |
Barnes, Will C. | |
Barnes, Mary (Swadley) | |
Barney, Mrs. Everista | |
Barney, James Mitchell | |
Bartlett, John Russell | |
Bassett, Elizabeth Ann | |
Bates, Christine | |
Batey, Becky |
Baxter, Frank | |
Beach, Cora B. | |
Beach, Theo O. | |
Beach, Thomas | |
Beale, Edward Fitzgerald | |
Beard, Jack | |
Beard, Rebecca Catherine (Reilly) | |
Beas, Anthony Orejel | |
Beatty, John C. | |
Beauvais, Crittenden John Family | |
Beaver, Marion | |
Beckett, R. E. | |
Bedoya, Arthur M.. | |
Beechler (Boechler, Buchler), Ernest | |
Beecroft, Elizabeth Graves | |
Beecroft, Joseph | |
Beeler Family | |
Beeler, Lois | |
Beeman, Robbie | |
Behan, John H. | |
Bell, Arthur and Dorothy | |
Bell, Marilyn | |
Belows, Yara | |
Benedict, George Jr. and Helen (Arnold) | |
Benigno, Petra (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Bennen, Newt | |
Bennett, Donald | |
Bennett, Helene (Thomas) | |
Bennett, Dr. John E. (“Jack”) | |
Benson, Ophie | |
Bentley, Jan | |
Berger, Bill | |
Bernal, Ray | |
Bernardo, Sam | |
Berry, Myrtle (Lynch) | |
Berry, William J. | |
Berryman Family | |
Bettis, Elijah (Lige) | |
Betts, Cara Nell | |
Bickers, Merle | |
5 | Bidwell, Thomas J. |
Bienkowski, A. (“Charlie”) | |
Biggers, Helen | |
Birmingham, James R. (includes photos) | |
Birmingham, Marcia (Sullivan) |
Bishop, Louis (Cibola, Ariz.) | |
Bishop, Marian (Hansbeger) | |
Bjorum, Ben | |
Bjornstad, Jim | |
Black, Donna | |
Blair, Mrs. W. S. | |
Blake, Steve R. | |
Blake, William Phipps | |
Blaker, Lyle | |
Blakemore, Bob | |
Blakely, Roger | |
Blalack, Viola V. | |
Blaisdell Family (2 folders) | |
Blethen, J. O. | |
Blitz, George | |
Bocio, Linda | |
6 | Boehringer, C. Louise |
Bogart, Betty and Norman | |
Bojorques, Ambrocio and Juana (Bastita) | |
Bolt, Peggy | |
Bond, Clara-Beth | |
Bond, Marshall (photocopy of diary 1915-1925) | |
Borchers, Gilbert | |
Borchers, Irene | |
Borland, Ken | |
Borquez, Pedro (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Bort, Bill | |
Bosanko, Ivan | |
7 | Bossing, Adam |
Boswell, Robert | |
Bottone, Tony | |
Botzum, Clara Osborne (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Bova, Sam | |
Bower, Earl K. | |
Bower, Ray | |
Bowers, Harriet | |
Bowman, Neva | |
Bowman, Sara A. (“The Great Western”) (folder 1 of 2) | |
Bowman, Sara A. (“The Great Western”) (folder 2 of 2) | |
Boyd, Ed E. | |
8 | Braden, Forrest Clifford (“Frosty”) and Margie |
Bradford, Elwood W. | |
Bradford, Walter and Lizzie | |
Bradley, Omar | |
Bradshaw, Fred |
Bradshaw, Harry | |
Bradshaw, Isaac | |
Bradshaw, William | |
Brandenburg, John | |
Brandt, Ralph and Zona (Cooper) | |
Branton, Deborah | |
Bradley, Tom (Los Angeles, Calif. Mayor) | |
Bratcher, Eben | |
Braun, Connie | |
Breech, Harold B. | |
Beecroft, Doug | |
Breedlove, Ransom D. and Jack | |
Brent, William Thomas (Bill) and Milarde (writer) | |
Brewer, Jim | |
Brewer, Paul | |
Bridge, George | |
Bridges, John L. (“Jack”) | |
Brinley, Charles | |
Bristow, Ernest | |
Bristow, James G. | |
Bristow, James William and Josephine Louis (Baize) | |
Bristow, Lewis James | |
Bristow, Will Anna | |
Britian, Andy | |
Britt, George A. | |
Brochert, Jackie and Mike | |
Brockway, Harvey W. | |
Brooks, Bobbie LeRoy | |
Brooks, Brendon | |
Brooks, Dennis | |
Brooks, Dora A. | |
Brooks, Frank H. | |
Brooks, Fred | |
Brooks, Jay and Leah (Bendle) | |
Brooks, Wahner Emalus | |
Brophy, Irene (Nunez) (McMorris) | |
Broussard, Agnon O. | |
Broussard, Bob | |
Brown, Bernita Jackson | |
Brown, Birdie | |
Brown, Carmen | |
Brown, Charles O. | |
Brown, Donald Lloyd | |
Brown, Eddie | |
Brown, Edna (Zavala) |
Brown, Flora (Antelope Peak grave) | |
Brown, Leon | |
Brullo, Joan | |
Bryant, Tori | |
9 | Bucholz, Dr. Herman Carl |
Buckelew, Emmett | |
Burch, Henry | |
Burch, Paul | |
Burdick, Dr. Philip and Henrietta | |
Burke, Dennis A. | |
Burke, Frank Joseph | |
Burke, Peter Frederick | |
Burke, Ruth | |
Burke, William Henry Harrison (“Paddy”) | |
Burkitt, Burges (“Buck”) (film trick and stunt horse rider) | |
Burnite, Jim | |
Burns, Mike (Ho-Mo-Thy-Ah, Mohave) | |
Burton, Matilda | |
Buse, Isabel (Corey) | |
Bush, Nellie T. (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Bush, Joseph (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Bustamente, Euesbia | |
Buster, Jim | |
Butieres Family | |
Butler, Bill | |
Butler, John Adams and Helen | |
Butler, Mary (Adams) | |
Byrd, Ersel | |
Byrne, James F. | |
Byrne, Peter Francis and Alice (Greenleaf) Family | |
Byrne, W. E. R. Jr. (“Peck”) | |
10 | Caballlero, Alexander |
Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez | |
Cachora, Eleanore | |
Cain, Gladys | |
Cain, Dr. William C. | |
Callahan, Helen (McIntire) | |
Callahan, Patricia Anne (Robinson) | |
Callahan, Robert Darrell | |
Callaway, Alla (Selson) | |
Callaway, Sister Rose Gertrude | |
Calvert, Doug | |
Camarena, Moses | |
Cameron, James | |
Campbell, Jim |
Campbell, Joe | |
Campbell, Peter R. (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Canales, Luz | |
Canavy, J. W. | |
Cancio, Maria F. | |
Candler, Jonathan (musician) | |
Cannell Jan (artist) | |
Cannell, Dr. Robert | |
Cano, David | |
Cano, Delia (Marquez) | |
Cano Family | |
Cano, Phillip | |
Canode, William (Ray) | |
Cansler, Mary Helen (Haynes) (Gadsen) | |
Cantrell, W. D. (Bill) | |
Cantrell, Mack | |
Cantu, Esteban | |
Caporelli, Dr. Jill | |
Capron, John | |
Carabajal, Cruz and Alice | |
Carbajal, Ignacio | |
Card, Olive | |
Cargill, Andrew Hays | |
Carlon Family | |
Carlisle, Otto L. | |
Carlisle, Rhey | |
Carlson, Brian | |
11 | Carpenter,Brian |
Carpenter, John Harry | |
Carr, George- | |
Carr, John Sterling | |
Carr, Rosita (Brady) (Quechan) | |
Carrera, Ramon (Raymond) | |
Carroll, Jack and Sibyl | |
Carruthers, Jim | |
Carstens, Pete J. | |
Carter, George (“Dutch”) | |
Carter, Fanny (Taylor) | |
Carter, Joshua D. | |
Carvajal, Sara | |
Cashman, Nellie | |
Caruthers, Edward Gurley | |
Caruthers, Sam | |
Casares Family | |
Case, Kitsey |
Casias, Silvester | |
Cassel, Charles A. (“Dick”) | |
Cassou, Angie B. | |
Castello, Nick | |
Castenada, Jose Miguel | |
Castillo, Cesar (San Luis) | |
Castillo, Rosendo | |
Castro, Jack and Maria | |
Catching, J. P. (“Bill”) (film stunt man) | |
Cates, Marge (artist) | |
Caves, Jimmy (musician) | |
Cawley, James | |
Cawley, Mary | |
Caylors, George F. | |
Cedillo, Frank and Robert | |
Cedillo, Amanda (Silva) | |
Celaya, Hilbert (“Hilbie”) | |
Cely, William F. | |
Cernik, Adele | |
Cervantez, Ramona | |
12 | Chambers, Clara |
Chambers, Mary Jane | |
Chandler, William | |
Chapman, Jerry | |
Chapman, Paul Harding and Elva C. (Westfall) | |
Chappell, James and Anne (Curry) | |
Chappell, Robert Edward | |
Chavez, Cesar | |
Chavez, Cleovaro | |
Chavez, Edward V. (artist) | |
Chavez, Joaquin (“Jack”) | |
Chavez, Joseph L. | |
Chavez, Juan | |
Chavez, Maria E. | |
Chavez, Mary R. (North Gila Valley, Ariz.) | |
Chavez, Nick | |
Chavez, Rosa V. | |
Chavez, Richard | |
Cheatham, Bill | |
Cheney, Bernice L. | |
Cheney, Lillie | |
Cherry, Edwin | |
Chessum, Sharon | |
Childes, Dr. George H. | |
Childs, Tom (b. 1832) |
Childs, Thomas (b 1870) | |
Chilleen, Merilyn | |
Chism, Verne | |
Choules, Tom | |
Chouvan, Tom | |
Chretin Family | |
Chretin, Joe | |
Chretin, Juan and Elena Cerrana (Redondo) | |
13 | Clapp, Claude Morris |
Clark, E. P. | |
Clark, Kenneth M. | |
Clark, Loma I. | |
Clark, Mae L. | |
Clark, Mary F. | |
Clark, S. W. | |
Clark, Tina | |
Clark, William | |
Clarke, Lauren | |
Claus, Santa (Terry Randolph) | |
Clayton, Bonnie | |
Clemens, Maris Stella (musician) | |
Clevenger, Annali | |
Click, David E. | |
Cliff, Daisy | |
Cline, Clara Bell | |
Cloud, John Ben | |
Cloud Family | |
Cocopah, Joe (Cocopah) | |
Coffeen, Kelley | |
Close, Deane (Creamer) | |
Cloyd, Mabel Lee | |
Clymer, Francis P. (“Frank”) | |
Clymer, Dr. H. Vance and Ida | |
Cobb, Charles | |
Cody, William (“Buffalo Bill”) | |
Coffeen, Elaine | |
Coffeen, LaVena | |
Coffeen, Phil | |
Coffeen, William Albert | |
Coffey, Bertha | |
Colby, J. Val (Bard, Calif.) | |
Colman, Henry F. (“Harry”) | |
Cole, Frank | |
Cole, Tom | |
Coleman, Rev. James |
Collins, Bryan | |
Collum, Arthur B. | |
Colville, Chris | |
Colvin, Carlos F. and Nina | |
14 | Conde, Dolores (“Late”) (Agua Caliente, Ariz.) |
Connor, Daniel | |
Connor, Herbert H. Sr. | |
Connor Family | |
Connors, George “Buck” (film trick and stunt horse rider Quartzsite, Ariz.) | |
Conrey, Edward F. and Mary (Burton) | |
Contreras, Edward | |
Contreras Family | |
Contreras, Francisco and Dolores (Lorona) | |
Contreras, Jesus | |
Contreras, Pete (musician) | |
Converse, C. A. | |
Cook, Linda | |
Cook, Mary Love | |
Cook, Lori | |
Cooper, Charles G. | |
Cooper, David F. | |
Cooper, Duahne W. | |
Cooper, Eunice I. | |
Cooper, Frank Norman and Pat | |
Cooper, Harry | |
Cooper, William D. (“Dan”) | |
Cooper Family see McDaniel-Cooper Families | |
Copp, Larry | |
Copple, Glenn (1 of 2) | |
Copple, Glenn (2 of 2) | |
Copple, William P. | |
Corcoran, Bob (writer) | |
Cordery, Don | |
Corea, Simon | |
Corey, Harold M. | |
Corey, Josiah Potter and Grace Cooper (Smith) | |
Corliss, Dr. Philip G. | |
Cornelius, Erin | |
Cornelius, Greg | |
Corona, Lala (Granio) | |
15 | Corpe, Linda |
Corrall, Eleanor | |
Corrigan, Anna (Hodges) | |
Corrigan, Edward G. |
Corson, Dr. Joseph Kirby | |
Cortazar, Elitania Monjaraz (Somertonm, Ariz.) | |
Cortez, Alfredo and Maria (de la Cruz) | |
Cortez-Castaneda Family | |
Cortez, Clyde A. | |
Costello Family | |
Cotter, Dr. | |
Courtright, Morris (“Court”) | |
Coutchie, Martha Alice (Thomas) | |
Coutchie, Robert Leroy | |
Couts, Cave Johnson (includes photocopy of his 1849 journal from San Diego to the Colorado River) | |
Cowper, Victoria | |
Cox, Emma Gene | |
Cox, Joe | |
Cox, Norwood | |
Cox, Walter N. | |
Coz, Elfren G. (“Sonny”) | |
Coz Family | |
Crabb, Henry Alexander | |
Crane, Edward L. Family | |
Crane, George | |
Cravens, Leslie Cyrus | |
Cravens, Lillian | |
Crouch, Rev. James | |
16 | Crawford, Bob |
Crawford, George | |
Crawford, Mary | |
Crawford, Rachael | |
Creasy, Delina | |
Creswell, Frank W. | |
Croft, Cecil Jr. | |
Cromwell, Audrey (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Cronin, Cornelius P. (“Con”) and Lillian (Rood) | |
Crosslin, Marvin T. | |
Crouse, Opal | |
Crow, Dwight | |
Crow, Hiram A. | |
Crow, Mack B. | |
Crowder, Kenneth Z. | |
Crowe, Jes T. | |
Crupper, Claire | |
Cruz Family | |
Cruz, Gregoria (Solarez) | |
Culling Charles C. |
Culp, Curley | |
Cuming, Albert | |
Cuming Family (includes “My Yuma Valley Childhood 1914-1932” by Ruth Cuming Smith) | |
Cuming, Richard III | |
Cunningham, Alice | |
Cunningham, Charles O. | |
Cunningham, R. H. | |
Curl, William W. | |
“Curley The Crow” (fraudulent Custer Battle survivor) | |
Currie, Maria (Flohr) | |
Curry Family | |
Curtis, Anna L. | |
Curtis, Glen | |
Curtis, Lee | |
Cushing, Clifford Ralph | |
Cutler, Charles R. | |
Cypert, John William and Mary Phoebe Adeline (James) | |
Czajkowski, Henry (“Hank”) and Berniece | |
17 | Dabbs, Willard E. |
Dahlena (dancer) | |
Daily, Jennifer | |
Dallabetta Family | |
Dallbetta, Tony | |
Dallman, Vienna (“Vee”) | |
Dana, James T. | |
Danforth, Evan | |
Daniel, Ernest and Claudia (Sambrano) | |
Daniel, Martina | |
Daniel, Tom, b. 1916 | |
Daniel, Tom | |
Daniels, Catherine Elizabeth | |
Dannenberg, Natacha | |
Davenport, Abby (Vinson) | |
Davenport, Susie (Mayfield) | |
Davies, Gwen | |
Davis, Andrew | |
Davis, Bob | |
Davis, Charlie | |
Davis, Elizabeth (Pengilly) | |
Davis, Georgia Magnolia | |
Davis, Jody (musician) | |
Davis, John (Cocopah) | |
Davis, Martha | |
Davis, Mary Lou |
Davis, Tillman O. | |
Davis, Tom and Ellen (Lawshe) | |
Day, Ted | |
Dayton, Mrs. Marshall | |
Dean, Elmer H. Family | |
Dearing, Arthur H. | |
Deason, Frank | |
DeBerry, Ferris | |
DeBerry, Gaynor | |
DeBerry, Margaret | |
DeCorse, Dr. Albert E. | |
DeCorse, Clarence (Quechan) | |
DeCorse, Henry | |
DeCorse, Katherine | |
DeCorse, Joe | |
DeCorse, Samuel Family | |
DeHate, William and Sharon | |
Dees, Alex | |
Dees, Leroy | |
Dees Family | |
Del Toro, Arturo | |
Delcid, Richard M. | |
Delgado, Joaquin Family | |
Delico, Thomas F. | |
DeLintt, Alfredo | |
DeLintt, Lucinda A. | |
DeLoach, Margaret | |
DeLuce, Eliza (“Queen of Castle Dome”) | |
18 | Demara, Gregoria (“Gay”) |
DeMeyer, Mary | |
Denison, Beatrice (“Bea”) | |
Denman, Robert | |
Dent, George | |
Denton, Clifford | |
Denton, Walter J. | |
DePaquette, Helena (Kelly) | |
DePuy, William | |
Derby, George Horatio | |
Derrrick, Anderson Bradford | |
Despain, William C. | |
Dessert, Raymond B. Jr. and Libby Marie (Peach) | |
DeVane Family | |
Devine, Jim | |
Dewhurst, James Vernon and Nancy Charlotte (Hall) | |
Dewhurst, Geoffrey |
Dewey, Gerald V. (Quechan) | |
Deyo, Jim | |
Dial, Louise Clare | |
Diaz, Melchior | |
Diaz, Michelle | |
Dick, Sam and Lela Family | |
Dick, Sam II | |
Dick, Sam III and Maxine (McCain) | |
Dick, Sam IV | |
Dick, T. A. | |
Dickes, Rosetta | |
Dickinson, William H. and Jennie (Ottie) | |
Dill, Brice T. | |
Dillman, Darren (writer) | |
Dillman, Roy Stanley (musician) | |
Dine, Charlie | |
Dingess, L. C. (“Ding”) and Estelle (Pancrazi, Redondo) | |
Dixon, Sam | |
Doan, John and Anna (Murray) Family | |
Doan, May (Cargill) | |
19 | Dobbins, Marcus D. |
Dobbs, Lou | |
Dobson, Asil (“Ace”) and Wendy (Tacna, Ariz.) | |
Dodd, Cathy | |
Doebbler, William Edward Sr. (“Bill”) | |
Doherty, Patricia | |
Doering, Laurie | |
Doll, Peter | |
Dominguez, Dionicio | |
Dominguez, Anita | |
Dominguez, Francisco | |
Dorminguez, Norma Nell (Newman) | |
Donkersey Family | |
Donkersley, Harold | |
Donkersley, Raymond B. (“Bud”) | |
Donohoe, William Lawrence (“Larry”) | |
Doolittle, Jimmy | |
Doolittle, Purvis B (“Jack”) | |
Dorrington, John Webster (and Ishram Reavis Family) | |
Dorez, Homer | |
Dorries, Henry Philip | |
Dorsey, Stephen | |
Doten, James | |
Doten, John C. | |
Doten, John O. |
Doten Family | |
Doten, Hubert Alfred (“Chili”) | |
Douglas, George H. | |
Douglas, Irvin and Maude | |
20 | Dow, John |
Dow, W. Sumner | |
Dowding, Gretchen M. | |
Downs, Kevin (writer) | |
Downey Family | |
Downey, George and Eliza A. (Romo) Family | |
Downey, Mercedes (Wilson) (“Dona Mercedes”) | |
Downing, James Arthur | |
Downing, Myrtle | |
Drachman, Sam | |
Drapala, Pam (Carvajal) | |
Dressing, E. H. | |
Drugge, Louise | |
Drysdale, Kent Edward | |
Drysdale, Ray | |
Drysdale, Val (McCullough) | |
Duarte, Josefina | |
Dudley, Mr. | |
Duff, John | |
Duffield, Milton | |
Duke, George (d. 1909) | |
Duke, George J. (d. 1968) | |
Duke, Lucian H. | |
Dunbar, Clarence C. | |
Dunbar, Joseph Bowen and Helen (Nallan) Family | |
Duncan, James | |
Duncan, Ransom J. | |
Dunn, Melody (singer) | |
Dunne, Jack and Jean (Vivian) | |
Dunne, William J. | |
Duran, Tony P. | |
Durham Family | |
Durham, Motty | |
Dusenbery, Jess | |
Dusenbery, Ralph | |
Dutton, Judith and Dale | |
Dutton, William T. | |
Duwe, Trevah | |
21 | Earp, Bailey |
Earp, Wyatt | |
Easterday, Ken |
Eastwood, Dolores (Vance) | |
Esterbrook, David | |
Eastlick, John | |
Eaton, Bob | |
Eberhardt, Lauren (musician) | |
Eby, Robert Thomas (“E.T”.) | |
Echavarri, Antonia | |
Echols, Lee | |
Eddings, Patsie | |
Eddings, Vurg | |
Eddy, Arthur J. | |
Edwards, Charles | |
Edwards, Desda W. | |
Edwards, George C. | |
Eger, Bob | |
Eger, Emil | |
Eger, Emil C. | |
Ehrenberg, Herman | |
Ehrlich, Mary | |
Eichelberger, Charles | |
Eichelberger, Edward | |
Eiden, Albert Henry | |
Eisenmann, Sally | |
22 | Elg, Mike |
Elkins, Daniel Powell | |
Elkins, Powell | |
Elias, A. C. | |
Elias Family | |
Elias, Joe | |
Ellington, Perry | |
Elliott, F. E. | |
Elliot, Harold Leaumont | |
Elliott, Marion and Harold (artist) | |
Elliott, W. H. | |
Elrod, Kim | |
Elvoid, Thelma | |
Emmanuel, Evelyn (artist) | |
Embry, Steven (musician, artist) | |
Embry, T. | |
Emerson, Lee (Quechan) | |
Emmons, Charles | |
Emory, William Hemsley | |
Enderton, William Herbert and Olive May (Wise) | |
English, Harry | |
Epley, Erin |
Erickson, Harry | |
Erwin, Susan Lyle | |
Escalanti, Charles | |
Escalanti, Doyle | |
Escalanti, Patricia | |
Esmeier, Bill | |
Espinoza, Carlos Neto | |
Espinosa, Henry | |
Espinoza, Josefita | |
Espinoza, Rudy (musician) | |
Erspamer, Kathryn | |
Esquivel, Rosalinda | |
Essig, Bill and Margaret | |
Estel, Joe | |
Estevan (1530’s explorer) | |
Estrella, Herminia | |
Evans, Don | |
Evans, J. W. | |
Evans, Louisa | |
Evans, Margurite Marie | |
Evans, Susan | |
Evaro, Alfonso (“Gene”) (musician) | |
Evaro Family | |
Evaro, Henry B. (“Lopez The Bandit”) (boxer) | |
Everett, Arthur | |
Ewing, Anne Margaret | |
Ewing, Frank L. Family | |
Ewing, James and Dalpha Family (Buckelew, Contreras, Costellos, Carrillio, Goodwin Families) |
Ewing, John T. and Mattotie (Smith) | |
Eytinge, Louis (con man) | |
23 | Fain, William B. |
Faison, John E. | |
Farmer, Hugo | |
Farnam, Martha Osborne | |
Farrar, Linda (Cannon) (dancer) | |
Fass, Gloria | |
Faulk, Odie | |
Faulkner, C. A. | |
Faulkner, Dorothy | |
Faulkner, Grace | |
Fausett, John | |
Fawley, Maly | |
Fay, Ellis M. and Jane Page (Stevens) |
Fay, John | |
Faz, Leopold | |
Faz, Rose (Dopten) | |
Feeney, Sister Yvonne O. P. | |
Feitz, Leland | |
Fenzel, George and Dorothy | |
Ferguson, Clayton James and Hattie Peirce (Arnold0 | |
Ferguson, Frank | |
Ferguson, Frank Sr. and Emiline F. (Merrifield) Family | |
Ferguson, George F. (Tex) | |
Feriend, Carmen (Setzler) | |
Ferra, Juan | |
Ferrara, Jimmy (film actor) | |
24 | Figari, Carlos |
Figueroa, Amalia | |
Figueroa, Delores (Redondo) | |
Figueroa Family | |
Figueroa, Paul (Rev. Father) (includes photocopy of his 1917 history of Yuma manuscript) | |
Fillman, Robert Thomas | |
Finfrock, Dennis | |
Finlay, Andrew Julius | |
Finn, Julius | |
Fishbaugh, Alice | |
Fisher, Don | |
Fisher, Jesse | |
Fisher, Mabel Ann | |
Fischer, Matt | |
Fisher, Jon | |
Fisher, Sandy | |
Fisher, Suella | |
Fisk, Floyd LeRoy | |
Fitzgerald, Ely | |
Fitzgerald, Henry S. | |
Fitzgerald, Minnie | |
Fleming, John C. and Winnie Lee | |
Fletcher, George | |
Fletcher, Iva | |
Fletcher, Marie Jewell | |
Flint, Mark (musician) | |
Fleming, Nils | |
Flood, Myrtle | |
Flood, Stephen H. and Ruth (Cramer) (Bard, Calif.) | |
Flores, Gina (musician) | |
Flower, W. T. |
25 | Foerstner, Harold C. |
Foerstner, May Clarke | |
Fojtik, Paul | |
Folly, Norma | |
Forrest, Dorothy | |
Forrest, Nina | |
Forman, Marcell F. | |
Forman, Mary | |
Fornoni, Aldo (“Aldo da Milano,” WW II Italian POW and artist) | |
Foster, Earl W. (WW I correspondence) | |
Foster Family | |
Foster, Ruth | |
Foster, Theodore (ferryman) | |
26 | Fourr, William |
Fowler, Calvin Warren | |
Fowler, Ina Power | |
Fowler, Rod (artist) | |
Fowler, Robert (pioneer aviator) | |
Fox Family | |
Francis, Billie | |
Frank, Abram (“Abe”) | |
Frank, Lizzie | |
Franck, Michael L. | |
Franklin, Bess | |
Franklin, Dennis | |
Franklin, John (“Catfish”) | |
Frassinelli, Saturnina | |
Frauenfelder, Dr. Dick | |
Frauenfelder, Henry and Elizabeth (Lott) | |
Frauenfelder Family see Lott-Frauenfelder Family | |
Fredley, Fred | |
Freeman, Earl A. (“The Marrying Justice”) | |
Freeman, Muriel | |
Fregia, James Bailey | |
Fremont, John Charles | |
French, Margaret | |
Friends, Nancy | |
Frith, Jean Ellen (Smith) | |
Frith, Robert Louis | |
Fritz, Jewell Adell | |
Frye, Flora | |
Fugate, Lacey | |
Fuqua, James G. (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Fuquay, Eliza (Molina) | |
Fuquay, Jim |
27 | Gaboury, John |
Gage, Ron | |
Gaines, David | |
Gallardo, Magdalina | |
Gamble, Len | |
Gamble, Ollie | |
Gandolfo, Esther | |
Gandolfo, Frank | |
Gandolfo, John and Beatrice (Imperial) Family | |
Gann, Pearl | |
Gann, Herman D. | |
Gapp, Jeff | |
Garces, Father Francisco Tomas | |
Garcia, Cesar Anibal | |
Garcia, Erik R. | |
Garcia, Lewis | |
Garcia, Maria | |
Garcia, Nikolosa | |
Garcia, Raymond V. | |
Gardner, Gregory L. | |
Garfias, Henry | |
Garner, Robert | |
Garrett, Maureen | |
Garrison, George | |
Garlit, Myra | |
Gary, Henry | |
Garvin, Torrey | |
Garza, Alicia | |
Gaskin, George G. | |
Gates, Thomas | |
Gatley, George | |
Geis, Margaret | |
Geis Family | |
Genung, Charlie and Ida (Smith) | |
George, Frank | |
George, Morgene | |
George, Reuben and Dorothy (Waddell) | |
George, Robert Houston and Margaret Jane (Miller) Family | |
Gerard, Laura | |
28 | Gering, Dick |
Geyer, Richard S. | |
Ghiotto, Emilia | |
Ghiotto, John | |
Gibson, Griffin V. (“Dan”) | |
Gibson, Dr. J. F. (Somerton, Ariz.) |
Gietzen, Barbara Joyce | |
Gifford, James A. | |
Gift, Lucille May | |
Gill, Joaquin Sr. | |
Gillaspie, Jim | |
Gillespie, Samuel S. | |
Gillett, William F. | |
Gilley, Nancy | |
Gilliland, Beatrice S. | |
Gilliland, Richard P. | |
Gillespie, Samuel S. | |
Gilmer, Billy | |
Gilpin, Charles S. | |
Gilpin, Clayton | |
Giron, Lenore | |
Giss, Gerry | |
Giss, Harold C. | |
Giss, Maurice M. | |
Gist, Leola and Roger (Winterhaven, Calif.) | |
Gittins, Rick | |
Giusti, Thomas P. and Laura (Breech) | |
Glanton, John (includes 1850 Lincoln-Glanton Massacre) | |
Glass, Virgil | |
Gloria, Evelyn (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Glover, Olyer B. Jr. | |
Godfrey, Agnes (Polhamus) | |
Godfrey, Arthur and Matilda (Daniel) | |
Godfrey, Isaac P. | |
Godfrey, Joseph H. | |
Godfrey, Mary Ramona (Martinez) | |
29 | Goekler, Rob |
Gogte, Dr. Sudheer | |
Goldwater, Barry M. | |
Goldwater Family | |
Godley, Gloria | |
Goldberg, Mel (writer) | |
Goldsmith, Harry | |
Gomez, George and Angelina | |
Gong, Henry | |
Gonzales, Arthur and Mary (Avila) | |
Gonzales, Felipe | |
Gonzales, Julian | |
Gonzales, Juan | |
Gonzales, Lionicia | |
Gonzales, Ramon M. |
Gonzales, Teodora | |
Goodwin Family | |
Goodwin, Louis V. | |
Gordon, Dr. Harold | |
Gordon, Laura Smith | |
Gordon, James Hazen | |
Gordon, Ruth | |
Gordon- Roach, Janet | |
Gonzales, Luz | |
Gorman, Joseph | |
Gosper, John J. | |
Gottsponer, Betsy (Frith) | |
Gottsponer, Jeane | |
Gradias, Louie (Gadsden, Ariz.) | |
Gradillas, Arthur T. | |
Gragnon, P. C. | |
Gragnon, Horton and Thomas | |
Graham, A. E. (“Bud”) (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Graham, Elmo | |
Grant, Daniel (Citrus Grower) | |
Grant, Emeline | |
Graubart, Catherine Earnest | |
Gray, Andrew Belcher | |
Gray, Mrs Byron | |
Gray, Clarence | |
Gray, John W. and Flora | |
Gray, Virgel H. | |
30 | Green, Howard C. |
Green, William and Jesusa Family | |
Greenleaf, Mel and Clara Belle Family | |
Greenway, Isabella | |
Greer, Andrew Y. and Family | |
Greer, Gary and Janice (Farley) | |
Gregory, Ida (Meadows) | |
Gregston, Glen | |
Griffin, Jimmy (musician) | |
Griffin, Sandy | |
Griffith, Jayme Autrey (dancer) | |
Griffith, William A. | |
Griffith, William M. | |
Grigg, Ken | |
Grijalva Family | |
Grijalva, Juan | |
Grinnell, Henry M. | |
Gross, Alex |
Grove, Russ | |
Guenther, Herb | |
Gutierrez, Bessie | |
Gutherie, Laura V. (Hughes) | |
Gutierrez, Antonio C. | |
Gutierrez, Bessie | |
Guyman, Earl Samuel and Ethel | |
Guzman, Paco and Martin | |
Gwynn, Rosemarie (Sanguinetti) | |
Gwynn, Howard Ross Jr. | |
Gwynn, Howard III | |
31 | Hackett, Archie Wheeler |
Hackett, Maurice J. | |
Hadnot, Lewis Ellis and Sarah (Wilson) (Wellton, Ariz.) | |
Haffey Family | |
Hageley, George (Quartzite, Ariz.) | |
Hahnefeld, Pauline | |
Haile, Homer | |
Haile-Fritz, Mary Barber (York) | |
Haile-Venable, Ann | |
Haines, Jack | |
Haley, Earnest | |
Hall, Audry | |
Hall, Drewie A. | |
Hall, Earl C. | |
Hall, Evelyn (musician) | |
Halloran, John | |
Halstead, Richard | |
Ham, Benjamin Cox | |
Ham, Charlie (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Ham Family | |
Ham, George | |
Ham, Gwyneth | |
Ham, John F. | |
Hamm, Earl C. | |
Hamblen, Sealy | |
Hamilton, Rod | |
Hamilton, Sarah | |
Hamley, Linda | |
Hammer, Angela (Hutchinson) | |
Hammond, Martha | |
Hamner, B. A. (“Tony”) | |
Hampton, Peggy | |
Hancock, J. Leo (Ehrenberg, Ariz.) |
Hanlon, Hall | |
Hanrath, Alton | |
Hansberger, Delia | |
Hansberger, Edwin Jr. (organist musician) | |
Hansberger, Edwin Sr. | |
Hansberger, Joseph | |
Hansberger Family | |
Hansen, Bill | |
Haaraszathy, Bela | |
Harbon, William (“Bronco Bill”) | |
Harden, Vincent Don | |
Harding, Blanche S. | |
Hardwick, Mr. | |
Hardisty, Mary Lou (Bower) | |
Hardt Family | |
Hardy, Bob (“Captain Almost” TV children’s entertainer) | |
Hardy, Betty Jean | |
Hardy, C. B. Sr. Family | |
Hardy, Frances | |
Hardy, George A. | |
Hardy, Maudie | |
Hardy, Tim | |
Hardy, William Harrison | |
Hargis, B. Newton | |
Hargreaves, Pat | |
Harp, Earl | |
Harper, Ivan | |
Harper, Ronald David | |
Harr, Robert | |
Harrell, Charles | |
Harris, Alion | |
Harris, Billy | |
Harris, Emma J. | |
Harris, Lucille Arnold | |
Harris, Tom | |
Harris, Virginia | |
Harrison, Maude M. | |
32 | Hart, Dora |
Hart, Emma | |
Hart, Leslie | |
Hart, Pearl | |
Hart, Thomas | |
Hartlee, Benjamin F. | |
Hartley, Ben | |
Hartley, Family |
Hartley, James W. (“Jim”) | |
Hartman, Frank | |
Hartshorne, Benjamin Minturn | |
Hart, Harry James | |
Hastings, Lanceford W. (Donner Party) | |
Hatch, Robert S. (“Bob”) | |
Hatfield, Myrtle | |
Haugen, Doris and Bud | |
Haught, William H. | |
Haughtelin, Dean | |
Haughtelin, Kathryn (Gosh) | |
Haughtelin, Lucile | |
Haugo, Dr. Cherly and Mark John | |
Haviland, John J. | |
Havins, Mildred | |
Havlick,, Joseph | |
Hawkey, Chrisina | |
Haws, David | |
Hawthorne, Julian | |
Hayden, Carl T. | |
Hayes, A. W. | |
Hayes, Ed. | |
Hayes, Ira (Pima WWII Marine hero at Iwo Jima) | |
Haynes, John (“Jack”) Hunter and Helen (Wheeler) Family | |
Haynes, Hanna | |
Headington, Agnes Celia | |
Headington, Machele | |
Heber, Larry | |
Hedlin, June (child film actor) | |
Heebink, Paul Robert | |
Hefner Family | |
Heileman, Bert | |
33 | Heintzelman, Samuel Peter |
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, JanuaryMarch, 1851) | |
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, April-June, 1851) | |
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, SeptemberDecember,1851) | |
Hellings, W. B. | |
Helm, Bill L. | |
Henderson, Randall | |
Henderson, Siebert H. (“Bud”) | |
Henderson, Vera | |
Hendrickson, Jim |
Hengl, Virgil | |
Henry, Joseph R. | |
Hensyel, Grace and LeRoy | |
Hepburn, Harry H. and Anita Lenore (Giron) | |
Hernandez, Alejandra | |
Hernandex, Frances (Uribe) | |
Hernandez, Geraldine | |
Hernandez, Gilbert (“Choreezo”) | |
Hernandez, Maria | |
Hernandez, Petra | |
Herrera, John Putarko and Mary Thomasa (McMorris) Family | |
Herrera, John Vidal and Dolores (Stanley) | |
Herrera, Juan | |
Herrera, Mary Jesse | |
Herrera, Mary T. | |
Herrera, Paulo and Macaria (Palomares) | |
Hess, Harriet | |
Hess, John | |
Hewitt, Dr. Henry Stuart | |
Hey, Connie | |
Heyl, Ben G. | |
Hi Jolly (Hadji Ali) | |
Hibbard, Lester (“Zeak”) and Viola (Wellton, Ariz.) | |
Hibbard, Mose | |
Hice, Blake | |
Hickey, Joseph L. | |
Hicks, Lewis A. | |
Hicks, Lois | |
Hicks, Susan (Keller) | |
Hicks, William | |
Hickson, Cary L. and J. C. (photographers) | |
Hieb, Lee Deakins | |
Higgins, Bill | |
Higgins, Joe | |
Higgins, Katherine | |
Hightower, Joseph | |
Hightower, Horace A. | |
Hightower, Leroy | |
34 | Higuera, Clara (McClish) |
Higuera, Delores | |
Higuera Family | |
Higuera, James and Rose (Preciado) | |
Higuera, Joe | |
Hill, Iris (Robertson) | |
Hill, Jacquith |
Hill, Julia Laverne | |
Hill, Kathryn | |
Hill, Marion and Melcena Family | |
Hill – Olsen, Kim | |
Hill, Ruth (Quechan) | |
Hill, Violet (Nichols) (Colorado River ferry reminiscence) | |
Hill, Wesley | |
Hillbink, Jim | |
Hills, Maulk (Quechan) | |
Hilton, Jennie | |
Hilton, John W. (artist) | |
Hindle, Mary C. | |
Hinners, Gwendolyn (Luster) | |
Hinricks, Warren | |
Hinshaw, D. Z. | |
Hinton, Francis (Jack) | |
Hinton, Virginia Lee (Austin) | |
Hirales, Frank P. | |
Hirth, Louie | |
Hitchcock, Gillat and Pearl (Hoffman) Family | |
Hobart, Frank | |
Hobart, Lucy | |
Hobart, Miriam | |
Hobbs, Edna | |
Hobbs, Nannie May | |
Hocker, Rhonda | |
Hodges, Edna | |
Hodges, Edward Darling Sr. | |
Hodges, Francis Marion and Francisca (Ferra) Family | |
Hodges, Frank M. (d.1926) | |
Hodges, Frank M. (d.1970) | |
Hodges Family | |
Hodges, Frederick B. | |
Hodges, Isaac Polhamus (“Buster”) | |
Hodges, James Thompson and Mary (Killeen) | |
Hodges, Patrick (“P.K”) | |
Hodges, Robert V. | |
Hodges, Teresa Ochoa (Ruby) | |
Hodges, William S. (d.1910) | |
Hodges, William S. (“Bill”) (d.1991) | |
Hofer, George | |
Hoffman, Jean | |
Hoffmeyer, Fred and Carolyn | |
Hogan, Alec (“Uncle”) | |
Holbrook, Gardiner L. |
35 | Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1900-1939) |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1940-1943) | |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1943-1945) | |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1946-1949) | |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1950-1977) | |
35A | Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1977-1986) |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence from sister Madeline, 1914-1926) | |
Holliday, Betty (Correspondence from sister Madeline, 1927-1962) | |
Holliday, Betty (draft of autobiography, c. 1967) | |
Holliday, Betty (photos, 1928-1975) | |
Holling, Anna (Durr, Hansberger) | |
Holling, Eggert and Ethel Mary (Johnson) | |
Holmes, Mrs. Frank | |
Holmes, George | |
Holmes, Katherine | |
Holmes, Kenneth | |
Holmes, Patricia | |
Holt, Violet | |
35B | Homer, Nellie Scott (Quechan) |
Honaker, Nettie | |
Hong, Kenyon S. | |
Hood, Butch | |
Hooker, Henry Clay | |
Hooker, Jack D. | |
Hooker, Matthew S. | |
Hookstra, Glenn | |
Hooper, George F. | |
Holmes, George I. and Alta Sue | |
Hooper, William Burchell | |
Hoover, Cora (Maupin) | |
Hopkins, Hallie (Bost) | |
Hopkins, Mariel | |
Hoppstetter, John Sr. | |
Horan, Billie and Gertrude (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Horn, Bessie | |
Horn, William | |
Horner, Christopher | |
Hossler, David | |
Hotchkiss, Ada C. | |
Houg Family | |
Houlgate, Olga | |
Hounshell, Jeanne (writer) | |
Houston, Jennifer | |
Houts, Sarah E. | |
Hovatter, Edith |
Hovren, Louis and Mabel | |
Howard, Gila (first white child born in Arizona) | |
Howard, Jim | |
Howe, Marc C. | |
Howell, John R. | |
Hower, Bertha H. | |
Howerton, Patsy | |
Hoyt, Bertha | |
36 | Huber, John |
Hubbard, Edward L | |
Hubby, Homer | |
Huck, Mary (Cocopah) | |
Huckaby, C. W. | |
Hudgens, Bill and Ella | |
Hudson, Helen (“Jiggers”) | |
Huerta, Estevan C. | |
Huff, Capri | |
Huffman, Emma | |
Huffman, Family | |
Hughes, Fred (Wellton, Ariz.) | |
Hughes, Herbert | |
Hughes, Laura and Bertha Faye | |
Hughes, Myrna (artist) | |
Hughes, Olin E. | |
Hughes, Robert (“Whitey”) (film stuntman) | |
Hughes, Thomas | |
Huling, Cecil | |
Humphers, Henry (murder of Matias Moes) | |
Humphrey, Fay | |
Humphries, Juliet L. | |
Hunt, George W. P. | |
Hunter, J. C. | |
Hurling, Mike and Edna (Pollard) Family | |
Hurtado, Severo | |
Huson, Willis Oren (“William”) | |
Hutcheson, Bambi | |
Hutchins, Paul | |
Hyde, Novelene (Elliott) | |
37 | Iaeger, (Jaeger, Iager, Yaeger) Lewis John Frederick (“Don Diego”) |
Iaeger, Lewis John Frederick Jr. | |
Imperial, Alberto Family | |
Imperial, Ramon and Antonia (Zapedo) Family | |
Inda, Jamie (singer) | |
Ingalls, Charles B. | |
Ingalls, Frank S. |
Ingalls, Harry | |
Ingalls, Madora | |
Ingalls, Rufus | |
Ingalls, Walter S. (” Cap”) | |
Ingham, C. W. | |
Ingham, Donald | |
Ingraham, Fred L. and Inez | |
Ingram, John | |
Irick, Linda | |
Irr, David Joseph | |
Irwin, Michael | |
Irwin, Dr. Ralph | |
Iverson, Jule (tuberculosis patient 1904) | |
Ives, Eugene | |
Ivey, Tony and Bertha | |
38 | Jackson, Edmond Jr. (Quechan) |
Jackson, Ethlin (Hufford) | |
Jackson, Henry Tyler | |
Jacobs, May & Leon | |
Jaeger, Lewis John Frederick see Iaeger, Lewis John Frederick | |
Jaeger, Leland (Quechan film actor) | |
Jahnke, Shirley | |
Janney, Gerald (“Jerry”) | |
Jaramillo, Christine V. | |
Jaramillo, Gene (musician) | |
Jefferson, James Earl and Pearl | |
Jefferson, Lewis (Quechan singer | |
Jefferson, Ray (Quechan) | |
Jeffreys, Floyd | |
Jeffreys, Sidney | |
Jennings, Johnie Henry (woodcarver artist) | |
Jennings, Sarah | |
Jennings, Thad | |
Jennison, Pearl | |
Jesse, Ron | |
Jessen, Jon and Caroline | |
Jessup, Sharon | |
Jett, Bill (woodcarver artist) | |
Jezewski, George (Holocaust survivor) | |
Jim, Jessie (Cocopah) | |
Jim, Sarah (Quechan) | |
Jim, Slim (Cocopah) | |
Joaquin, Jim | |
Johansen, Johan | |
Johannsen, Ernest M. and Amelia |
Johannsen, Pauline | |
Johnson, A. W. (“Bill”) | |
Johnson, Alfred Ernest and Margaret (Ridenour) Family | |
Johnson, Boma and Mary Alberta (Carpenter) | |
Johnson, Dave and Arla (Phillips)_ | |
Johnson, C. A. (“Charlie”) | |
Johnson, Charles Granville (photographer) | |
Johnson, Ed. A. | |
Johnson, Eleanor (Dickson) | |
Johnson, Frank | |
Johnson, Frank Robert and Ruth Alice (Ferguson) Family (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Johnson, George Alanzo (2 folders) | |
Johnson, Harry | |
Johnson, Harry C. and Jennie (Ketcherside) Family | |
Johnson, Harvey | |
Johnson, Howard | |
Johnson, Ida B. (Brown) | |
Johnson, Jacquelyn (Olympian athlete) | |
Johnson, John W. | |
Johnson, Lincoln (Quechan) | |
Johnson, Liz (writer) | |
Johnson, Matilda | |
Johnson, Neil | |
Johnson, Nels H. | |
Johnson, Omar | |
Johnson, Orrin Clyde | |
Johnson, Richard | |
Johnson, Robert Wayne | |
Johnson, Sam (Quechan) | |
Johnson, Sophie | |
Johnson, Sudie | |
Johnson, Ted, Jeff and Buster | |
Johnson, William Judson | |
Johnston, Elizabeth Zilpah | |
40 | Jondahl, Gerald (“Jerry”) |
Jones, Arnold (“A. J.”) | |
Jones, Esther | |
Jones, Fred | |
Jones, James | |
Jones, James Dell | |
Jones, Janet (musician) | |
Jones, Jim (musician) | |
Jones, John Watson and Ylaria (Armenta) Family | |
Jones, Jonathan Christopher |
Jones, Leonard Family | |
Jones, Reg | |
Jones, Richard R. | |
Jones, Robert (jockey) | |
Jones, Roosevelt | |
Jones, Russell | |
Jones, Dr. Wilson and Arcadia (Montano) | |
Jones, Tyrone | |
Jongeward, John (“Howard’) | |
Jongeward, Woody | |
Jouvenceau, Rev. Father (Antonio or Francisco) | |
Jordan, Thomas F. and Ellen C. (Wilder) Family | |
Jordan Family | |
Joyner, James Earl | |
Judd, Winnie Ruth | |
Jung, Frances | |
Junken, Ernie | |
Jutkins, Ray (“Rocket”) (Roll, Ariz.) | |
41 | Kaffer, Mary |
Kammann, Leslie (“Todd”) | |
Kammann, Walt | |
Kane, Dr. Carl | |
Keane, Arnold L. | |
Keck, Augustus F. T. IV | |
Keddie, Doug | |
Keegan, Francis | |
Keeling, Matthew | |
Keen, Andrew Jackson | |
Keene, Curtis and Vera Clymer | |
Kehl, Ernest G and Katherine (Snyder) | |
Kehl, Susan | |
Kelley, Arthur Noel | |
Kelley, Robert | |
Kelly, Daniel James (“Apache Jack”) | |
Kelly, Eugene A. | |
Kelly, Henry C. | |
Kelly, Nanette (Smith) | |
Kelly, Patty (Dateland, Ariz.) | |
Kelly, Samuel L. | |
Kempton, Ruby | |
Kennedy, Cora (Taylor) and Rufus | |
Kenny, Elain | |
Kent, A. H. | |
Kent, Jennie | |
Kenworthy, Larry |
Kenyon, Charles H. | |
Kerekes, William Elmer | |
Keriozolas, Nick | |
Kern, Erica (fashion model) | |
Ketcherside, Dr. Enoch B. | |
Ketcherside, Dr. Hilary D. | |
Ketcherside, Dr. Paul | |
Kieser, Robert | |
Kilkenny, Thomas Raymond and Elizabeth (Dunn) | |
Killabrew, Earl | |
Killbride, John and Guadalupe Family | |
Killman, Laura (Worthinton) | |
Kimball, Dr. A. P. | |
Kimmell, Robert H. | |
Kindle, Ellis | |
King, Al | |
King, Cortni (artist) | |
King, David | |
King, Fern John | |
King, Frank and Sam | |
King, Martha | |
King, R. C. (“Dick”) | |
King, William (Chinese) | |
Kino, Father Eusebio Francisco | |
Kinser, Dan | |
Kirk, Bruce | |
Kirkland, William H. | |
42 | Klein, Millie |
Kline, Addie (Ingalls) | |
Kline, Dr. Nathan Daniel (Wellton, Ariz.) | |
Knapp, J. Fletcher | |
Knepper, Herbert G. | |
Knight, Elizabeth | |
Knight, Harry S. (cowboy and Buffalo Bill Wild West Show entertainer) | |
Knoll, Jack (photographer) | |
Knott, Joseph L. | |
Knotts, Dr. Roy R. | |
Knowlton, Danelle | |
Knowlton, Robert Valentine “Smokey” | |
Knox, Gary | |
Kobusch, Geraldeen Marie (Swanson) | |
Koen, Lila (Godfrey) | |
Koon, Jesse S. and Bonnie Thelma (Harris) | |
Krackenberger, John |
(Quartzsite, Ariz.) | |
Krahl, Mira | |
Kraufe, Jerry (artist) | |
Kreager, Henry Antone and Mary (Wolter) Family (Oatman Flats, Ariz.) | |
Kreger, Roy | |
Kretzer, Jack | |
Krishna, Dr. Ram | |
Krueger, Cora Louise | |
Krull, Elmer Clarence (“Slim”) | |
Kryger, Clarence and Janie (George) | |
Kryger, Homer L. and Syble | |
Kryger, William A. | |
Kubiak, Walter John (Wally) | |
Kuehn, Fred V. (Quartzsite, Ariz.) | |
Kurzynski, Stanley | |
Kunes, Michael (musician) | |
Kyle, Jimmie M. | |
Kypros, George | |
Kyriakides, Annette | |
43 | LaBatt, William Henry and Emma (Jenkins) Family |
Lacy, William C. | |
LaChapelle, Ken (artist) | |
Ladd, Doug (woodcarver artist) | |
Lagos, Laura | |
Lagunas, Annette | |
Lambert, Henry | |
Lanahan, Anna Nora (Kinney) | |
Landrews, David Lee | |
Lane, Linda | |
Laney, Richard Pell Hunt and Nina (Daggett) Family | |
Laney, Victor, Enos | |
Lange, August B. and Alice (Curren) | |
Langtry, Lillie | |
LaPlante, Esperanza (Agua Caliente and Hyder, Ariz.) | |
Larkin, Judge | |
Larkins Family | |
Larrick, Bea and Don | |
Lash, Richard and Carol | |
Laurel, Stan (Hollywood actor) | |
Laurutus, Charles | |
Law, Stephen (writer) | |
Lawler, E. G.. (“Eb”) | |
Lazarras, Frances | |
Leavitt, Jennie (Hyder, Ariz.) |
Lee, Bill (Yuma pseudonym of bigamist Hutton Bellah) | |
Lee, Curtis | |
Lee, Jewell Eugene | |
Lee, Marshall (“Elwood”) | |
Lee, Robert Ervin (b.1870) and Fannie Cora (Owen) | |
Lee, Robert Ervin Jr. (b 1905) and Rose (Murphy) | |
Lee, Ira and Ethel | |
Leib, Dr. Charles | |
Leidenderker, Anne | |
Leidenderker, Frank E. | |
Lemaire, Kerstin | |
Lemke, L. A. (“Bud”) and Justine | |
Lemme, Angelo | |
Lenon, Harry W. | |
Lenon, Robert (includes reminiscence “It Seems Like Only Yesterday: Mining and Mapping in Arizona’s First Century”) | |
Leon, Jesus Maria | |
Leroy, Louis (artist) | |
Leuci, Josie | |
Levias – Lopez Family | |
Levy, Barbara (Quechan artist and storyteller) | |
Levy, Henry | |
Levy, Isaac Family (includes “Isaac Levy: His Family and Friends by Ben Levy”) | |
Levy, Marie (Quechan) | |
Lew, Man | |
Lewis, Hobe | |
Lewis, Jerry R. | |
Lewis, John Stanley | |
Lewis, Judy | |
Lewis, Mamie | |
Lewis, Mary Ann (Buchanan, Meeden, Pickenbach) (Quechan) | |
44 | Licon, Catlina |
Lightfoot, Theresa (Johnson) | |
Lillard, Paul Thomas (writer-poet) (Tacna, Ariz.) | |
Lilly, Bill | |
Limon, Jose | |
Lincoln, Abel (includes information on Glanton Masscre) | |
Lincoln, Abraham | |
Lincoln Family (“Our Kin Descendants of Joshua Lincoln and Elizabeth Seekins Lincoln of Taunton, Massachusetts” compiled by William Simpson Lincoln | |
Lindeman, C. A. | |
Linder, Carrie | |
Linder, William B. |
Lindsey, George | |
Lindsey, Horace | |
Lines Family | |
Lipscomb, Paul Julian | |
Listiak, Loren | |
Livingston, Alice (Quartzsite, Ariz.) | |
Livingston, C. A. | |
Livingston, Gus and Rose (Graham) (Alderson) | |
Livingston, Richard (“Curley”) | |
Lizarraga, Alfredo | |
Lobeck, Phil | |
Lobeck, Wendy (singer) | |
Lochaby, Charrison (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Lockwood, Fred C. | |
Loh, Irene (Choy Leng) | |
Lohrenz, Jana | |
Lomeli, Calextro | |
Long, Cecil | |
Long, Hayward | |
Long, Ida | |
Long, Katherine (Willweber) | |
Long, Joe | |
Long, Ruth M. | |
Loo, Edward (Loo Wey Ham) | |
Loo, Richard | |
Loosier, Myda M. | |
Lopez, Angelita (Hernandez) | |
Lopez, Jennifer | |
Lopez, Juan L. | |
Lopez, Santiago and Melquiadas (Martinez) | |
Lorance, Arthur | |
Lorang, James H. (Wenden, Ariz.) | |
Lorang, Louis | |
Lord, Billie Jean (musician) | |
Lord, Cushing | |
Lorette, Antonio | |
Loroña, Charles | |
Loroña, Guadelupe (Armenta) | |
Loroña, Finoclade Armenta (“Vince”) | |
Loroña, Henry | |
Lorona, Herminia (Solomon) | |
Loroña, Isador (Isidro) Family | |
Loroña, Ysidro Family | |
Loroña, Mary Redondo | |
Loroña, (Loronio)Rafael |
Lott-Frauenfelder Families | |
Lott, McKinley | |
Love, Daren (musician) | |
Love, Francis E. (“Frank”) | |
Love, Randy | |
Lucas, Frances | |
Ludy, Jacob E. | |
Lugo, Edward H. (“Eddie”) | |
Lugo, Jose | |
Lumley, Edward (Kenyon Station murder) | |
Lund, Nick | |
Lutes, Mary (“Georgia”) E. (Rogers) | |
Lutes, R. H. | |
Luthra, Drs. Chaman and Adarsh | |
Lyall Family | |
Lynch, Jess James | |
Lynch, William E. | |
Lyons, Isaac and Marcella (Zyera) | |
45 | Maas, Jason |
Mabbett, Ira | |
Mabery, Howard J. | |
Mabery, Lloyd | |
Mabery, Millard Franklin | |
Mabrey, Opal Smith | |
Macazan, Eugene | |
Macliz (Maclis) Family (includes MacLish, Nunez, Quintero, Rico and Romo Families) |
Madril, Concepcion (Bedova) (b.1880) | |
Madrill, Conception (Chonita) (b.1908) | |
Maehling, Doyne M. | |
Magana, Emilia | |
Magdaleno, Doria | |
Magdaleno, Mario and Lorrie | |
Magee, Elizabeth & Donald | |
Mainville, James Paul (artist) | |
Malone, Cherie | |
Manchado, Joe | |
Manes, Bill M. | |
Manes, Margaret | |
Manes, Patricia (Hopkins) | |
Manifold, Frank S. and Pearl (Sharpensteen) | |
Mann, Bennie H. | |
Mann, Helen Jones (WWII Japanese Prisoner of War) | |
Mannassee, Hyman (La Paz, Ariz.) | |
Mansfield, Joe |
Marable, Elmer M. | |
Marable, Ethel L. | |
Marable, George S. and Anabelle (Sexsmith) | |
Marable, Hunter | |
Marable, Dr. John Richard W. | |
Marable, Leslie E. | |
Marable, Richard Hamilton | |
Marable, Richard Pointer and Ellen Francis (Bateman) Family | |
Marable Family | |
46 | Marcos de Niza, Fray |
Marcus, Abe | |
Marquardt, Florentina | |
Marquette, Jesse | |
Marquez, Alyssa (dancer) | |
Marquez, Jesus | |
Marsh, Dick (artist) | |
Marsh, Guy Alton (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Martin, Dr. A. C. and Louise (Evans) | |
Martin, Aneil | |
Martin, Charles Herbert and Emma Agnes (Reed) Family | |
Martin, George and Delphina (Redondo) Family | |
Martin, Bill | |
Martin, Ed | |
Martin, John and Sadie | |
Martin, Peggy | |
Martin, Rodney | |
Martin, Ron | |
Martin, Ronald A. | |
Martin, Sadie E. | |
Martinez, Amparo (Bedoya) | |
Martinez, Armand G. | |
Martinez, Bruno B. and Maria (Cunegunda de Garcia) Family | |
Martinez, Cassilda (Iaeger) | |
Martinez, Conception Jaeger (Iaeger) | |
Martinez, Erasma (Munoz) | |
Martinez, Erlinda | |
Martinez, Guadalupe | |
Martinez, Julian | |
Martinez, Maria | |
Martinez, Mercedes | |
Martinez, Ramon | |
Martinez, Refugia | |
Martinez, Sebastian Gabriel | |
Martinez, Tomas | |
Martinez, Virginia |
Martinez Family | |
Martens, Klaus W. | |
Marvin, William E. | |
Masich, Andrew E. | |
Mason-Phillips, Lillia S. | |
Massey, Robert | |
Masterson, Josephene B. | |
Masterson, Murat | |
Matheny, Myrtle | |
Matheson, Leona | |
Matheus, Dr. Charles Gustave | |
Mathews, Lemuel P. | |
Matteson, George | |
Matt, August | |
Matts, Emily (Webb) | |
Matus, Leatrice W. (Quechan) | |
Mawk, Edith (“Goat Lady of Fortuna Wash”) | |
Maxey, James W. | |
Maxhimer, Ray | |
47 | Mayberry, James T. |
Mayberry, John A. | |
Mabery, Lloyd Franklin | |
Maybery, Robert L. | |
Maye, Daniel | |
Mayer, Marian Sambrano | |
Mayes, Ed (Castle Dome) | |
Mayfield, Lawrence | |
Mayfield, Tiberda | |
Mayhew, Carmelita | |
Mayhew, Jesse Felix and Carmelita F. | |
Mazon, Ramon and Josefa (Cordova) | |
McBride, John | |
McBride, Taylor | |
McCabe, John | |
McCaghren, Earl | |
McCain, Don Cecil and Verda (Donkersley) | |
McCain, Ed | |
McCain, John Robert (b.1852) and Alice Jane Family | |
McCain, John Robert Sanford (b.1920) | |
McCain, Murley M. Sr. (b.1893), and Lillie J. (Pool) | |
McCain, Murley Jr. (b 1921) and Mary (Griffin) | |
McCain, William B. and Mary Mayfield (Martin) | |
McIntosh, Ben | |
McClendon, Bob | |
McClure, Arnoldias H. |
McClure, Mrs. W. E. Jr. | |
McCollum, Paul | |
McCormick, Ketti (blind attorney) | |
McCord, Roy C. | |
McCoy, Eleanor | |
McCrory, O. J. | |
McCugh, Joe (Martinez Lake, Ariz.) | |
McCune, Patrick (photographer, writer) | |
McCurley, Doyle (film actor) | |
48 | McDaniel – Cooper Families |
McDermott, Roberta J. (“Bobbie”) | |
McDonald, Lawrence L. Jr. | |
McDonald, Milton | |
McEachran, Mary (Agua Caliente, Ariz.) | |
McElhaney, Frank | |
McElhaney, R. H. | |
McElhaney, Sam | |
McEntree, Larry | |
McGalliard, James | |
McGarr, Charles E. | |
McGarry, Dwight | |
McGee, Bob | |
McGill, Joseph Foster | |
McGinty, John | |
McGowen, Charles | |
McGowan, Ned (Edward) | |
McGragor, Geor-Gia (hermaphrodite) | |
McGraw, Charles W. | |
McInnis, Jessie | |
McIntire, Donald | |
McIntyre, Beatrice K. | |
McIntyre, Donald F. | |
McIntyre, Donald I. | |
McIntyre, Peter | |
McKale, J. F. | |
McKay, Clarence (Bud) | |
McKean, Harry | |
McKeand, Tina | |
McKelvey, Ron | |
McKey, Alexander | |
McKinstry, George | |
McLane, Mr. (“Mr. Yuma”) | |
McLay, James | |
McClean, Thomas (“Yuma” or “Old Yuma”) | |
McLendon, Robert |
McLerran, Alice (writer) | |
McMahon, Ruth (Burolla) | |
McMorris, George Washington and Josepha (Martinez) | |
McNeel, Mildred and Russell | |
McNiel, Karen | |
McPhaul, Henry (“Harry”) Family | |
McPhaul, William | |
McPherson, Aimee Semple | |
McPherson, Orville Scharff | |
McVay, Adah Sophia | |
McVeigh, John (“Mike”) | |
McVey, Jeff (musician) | |
49 | Mead, Arthur A. |
Meadows, Charles | |
Meadows, George | |
Meadows, Gertrude B. | |
Meadows, J. D. (Jake) | |
Meadows, James Harvey | |
Meadows, Mobley A. | |
Meeden, Claus von der | |
Meija, Alfred A. (“Chapo”) | |
Mellon, Archie | |
Mellon, Doug Lee | |
Mellon, John Alexander (“Captain Jack”) | |
Mellon Family | |
Mendez, Dolores | |
Mendez, Gregorio | |
Mendez, Joe | |
Mendez, Lisa | |
Mendez, Maria Ynez | |
Mendez, Refugia | |
Mendez, Saturnino Leon | |
Mendivil, Edward | |
Mendivil, Jose Maria (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Mendivil, Henry | |
Mendivil, Ysidro and Alice | |
Mendivil Family | |
Mendoza Family | |
Menoz, Jim | |
Menta Family (Quechan) | |
Merredith, Rev. Jesse L. | |
Merrifield, Doris (artist) | |
Merrifield, Gertrude | |
Mesa, Clemente | |
Metz, Ada Royal (nurse) |
Meyer, Dr. Henry and Lynn Family | |
Meyer, Theodore (“Ted”) | |
Meyers, George | |
Mezei, Thomas | |
Michael, Ralph L. | |
Michelsen, George and Leah Amelia (Schmidt) | |
Middleton, Clifton (“Ed”) | |
Miguel (Quechan Tribal Chief) | |
Miguel, Addison (Quechan Tribal Chief) | |
Miguel, Fidelia | |
Miguel, Joseph Jr. (Quechan) | |
Miguel, Joseph Sr. (Quechan) | |
50 | Millar, Walter |
Millard, Benjamin (Quechan) | |
Miller, Cecil D. | |
Miller, Charles Hall Jr. | |
Miller, Diane | |
Miller, Fred (Cocopah Tribal Chairman) | |
Miller, Hazel (Cocopah) | |
Miller, Horace | |
Miller, Jennie (Hodges) | |
Miller, Murray | |
Miller, P. J. | |
Miller, Sam (Cocopah) | |
Miller, Wayman Walter | |
Miller, William R. and Alice (Moffett) | |
Millmaker, Melvin Otto | |
Mills, Marie | |
Mills, Mattie (musician) | |
Miner, Charles | |
Miner, Goldie C. | |
Ming, Allen B. | |
Ming, F. S. | |
Miniken, M. G. (“Pop”) and Minnie | |
Minium, Judith (Yeadon) | |
Minor, C. L. | |
Minor, Will Hart and Lotta A. | |
Minter, Clarence | |
Minton, Victor | |
Minturn, Benjamin | |
Miranda, Tricia (dancer) | |
Mitchell, Grace (Yavapai Tribal Chief) | |
Mitchell, Ralph and Oacie (Tomson) | |
Mitchell, Rebecca (artist) | |
Mix, Dr. Alfred A. |
Modesti, Althee Family | |
Modesti, Phinoclade | |
Moeller, Theodore L. (“Ted”) | |
Moffett, Edward Burton | |
Molina, Bengie | |
Molina, Conrad B. | |
Molina, Diego | |
Molina, E. A. | |
Molina, Ed G. | |
Molina, Ernest | |
Molina, Francisco | |
Molina, Jesus Family | |
Molina, John A. | |
Molina, Jose M. | |
Molina, Louis | |
Molina, Leonard | |
Molina, Mary | |
Molina, Miguel Family | |
Molina, Rosalina | |
Molloy, Thomas D. and Anna C. (Wadin) | |
Montague, Alice (Quechan) | |
Montague, Felix (Quechan) | |
Montague, Henry (Quechan Tribal Council President) | |
Montague, Dr. Richard (Quechan) | |
Montana, Edward (“Vito”) | |
Montana, John Garcia | |
Montezuma, Dr. Carlos (Apache) | |
Montalvo, Rasiro | |
Montgomery, Lorena | |
Montgomery, Ray | |
Montgomery, Sandra Ford | |
Montgomery, William Ford | |
Montijo, Ramon and Eslinda (Bustamente) | |
Moody, Robert C. and Gertrude | |
Moody, Robert J. | |
Moore, Charles H. | |
Moore, Howard Virgil (“Dick”) (Dome Valley, Ariz.) | |
Moore, Lois | |
Moore, Robert H. | |
Moore, Ronnie | |
51 | Morales, Brijidi |
Morales, John O. | |
Morales, Rosendo Jr. (San Luis, AZ.) | |
Morales, Samuel | |
Moran, Margaret |
Moran, Rachael | |
Morang, Myrtle | |
Morell, Mike (writer) | |
Moreno, Angelito | |
Moreno, Eduardo | |
Moreno, Edward Sr. | |
Moreno, Eloise | |
Moreno, Joseph Family | |
Moreno, Rumaldo | |
Morang, Myrtle | |
Moretti, Paul | |
Morgan, Caroline | |
Morgan, Henrietta (Frank) | |
Morgan, Oris Freeman | |
Morgan, Thomas H. | |
Morlos, Nechie (Sambrano) (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Morris, Kenny | |
Morrish, John L. | |
Morrison, W. L. | |
Morrow, Nora E. | |
Morton Family | |
Moser, Carl | |
Moser, Ethel L. | |
Moser, Roy Raymond (WWII bombardier) | |
Moser, Sister Jean Anne | |
Moser, T. H. | |
Moss, Ethel Thurman | |
Motta, Ken | |
Mowry, Sylvester | |
Mullan, Louis A. | |
Munn, May Ricks | |
Munoz, Antonia | |
Munoz, Clotilde | |
Munoz, Eddie | |
Munoz, Eleanor H. (Quechan) | |
Munoz, Elijia | |
Munoz, Emilio | |
Munoz, Evelyn (Quechan) | |
Munoz, Joe. A. | |
Munoz, Tircio G. | |
Murdock, Shirley Woodhouse and George (Roll, Ariz.) (writer) | |
Murillo, Cirilo | |
Murphy, Ernestine | |
Murphy, Kevin | |
Murray, Amanda |
Murrieta Family | |
Murray, Amanda (Miss Arizona 1993) | |
Murray, Joan | |
Musgrove, Guy and Ivah (McWhorter) | |
Musgrove, Naomi | |
Musgrove, Sebe | |
Myers, Margaret | |
Myrick, Jessie | |
Myrland, Eli | |
Myron, Leon (artist) | |
52 | Nabours, William W. |
Naquin, A. J. (“Jack”) | |
Naquin, Betty | |
Nation, Carrie | |
Navarro Family | |
Navigator (homeless man) | |
Nelson, Vincent A. Jr. (“Vince”) | |
Newhard, Robert | |
Ng, Hardy Paul | |
Nicely, Michael | |
Nicklaus, E. Vonne | |
Norfleet, Betty Rae (musician) | |
Norred, Clint | |
Norton, Dunbar | |
Nutt, Dr. Roger W. | |
Nunez, Jose Cruz | |
Nabours, William W. and Mariana | |
Napoleon, Antonio | |
Neahr, David and Maria (Hupchauss or Epsas) and Family (Quechan) | |
Neahr. Edward | |
Neahr, Hank | |
Neahr, James Freeson Family | |
Neahr, Refugio Family | |
Neahr, Samuel | |
Neahr, William Family | |
53 | Nebeker, Edith |
Nelson, Dwight | |
Nelson, Lafe | |
Nerva, Alfonso (Quechan) | |
Nerva, Lillian (Quechan) | |
Neville, George A (“Al”) | |
Nevin, Anna | |
Newcomer, Floyd Eldin | |
Newhard, Martha | |
Newhard, Robert (“Toad”) |
Newhard, W. C. (“Bill”) | |
Newman, Chessie | |
Newman, C. C. (“Pat”) | |
Newman, Thomas Henry (“Pete”) | |
Newton, Minnie | |
Nichols, Raymond | |
Nichols, Richard (“Nick”) | |
Nichols, William R. (“Ray”) | |
Nickerson, Jan L. (Dome Valley, Ariz.) | |
Nock, George W. (includes photocopy of published Colorado River Indian Reservation 1887-1889 diary) | |
Noland, Grady | |
Noland, Thomas W. | |
Nord, August (“Gus”) and Katherine (Knight) Family | |
Noriega, Arnulfo Jr. | |
Noriega, Carmen M. | |
Noriega, Francisco Family | |
Norton, Amelia (Baker) | |
Norton, Charles G. and Amelia (Baker) | |
Norton, George | |
Norton, George William and Carmen (Martinez) | |
Nugent, Joe | |
Nugent, Michael J. | |
Nummel, John | |
Nunes Family | |
Nunez, Jose Cruz | |
Nusbaum, Jim and Bernice | |
54 | O’Brien, Manus |
O’Bryant, Shirley | |
Ochoa, Carlos | |
Ochoa, Epifanio | |
Ochoa, Henry | |
Ochoa, Ralph V. | |
Ochsner, Dr. Albert John (2 folders) | |
Ochsner, Josephene E. | |
O’Connor, Sandra Day | |
Oden, Gary | |
Odens, Peter | |
Odle, Susan (Noble) | |
Odom, Robert L. | |
Ogden, Dorothy (Reed) | |
Ogden, Ralph | |
Ogram, George Ellery | |
Olague, Felix | |
Olague, Longina H. |
Olberg, Judson W. | |
Olea, Edward | |
Olea, Ralph D. | |
Olea, Rose Marie | |
Olea, Ysidoro and June (Halleck) | |
Olea Family | |
54A | Olivas, Edujives |
Olivas, Manuel Gard | |
Oliver, J. F. | |
Olivo, Manuel G. (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Olson, Bob | |
Olson, Jim | |
Olson, Lourence (Taylor) | |
O’Neill, Bobbie (writer) | |
O’Neill, Dave (mining prospector, d. 1916) | |
O’Niel, Hapilia (“Hap”) | |
Opfenring, Dr. Kathy | |
Orendorff, Charles Boyd | |
Orendorff, Charles Greenwood | |
Orendorff, James Lawrence | |
Orendorr, John Keplinger | |
Orendorff, Ralph Horace | |
Ornelas, Avelina | |
Orines, Juan (Filipino community leader) | |
Orozco, Grace P. | |
Orozco, Patricia | |
Orta, Mike Ruiz and Ruth (Mendez) | |
Ortega, Geneva | |
Ortega, Francisco | |
Ortega, Ignacio T. | |
Ortega, Rafael | |
Ortega, Stefua | |
Ortega, Susana | |
Ortez, Francisca | |
Ortiz, Anna | |
Ortiz, Carmen | |
Ortiz, Francisca | |
Ortiz, Geronomo | |
Ortiz, Kay | |
Ortiz, Pablo Armenta and Clara (Bateman) | |
Ortiz, Pablo Ramirez | |
Osborn, Jones | |
Osborn, Mabel | |
Osborne, Edna May | |
Osborne, Ellis D. |
Osborne, H. M. (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Osborne, Lafayette and Leona | |
Oton, Julia | |
Outlaw, Jim | |
Outlaw, Michelle | |
Owen, Melinda | |
Owens, Mary Lou | |
Owl, Pauline (Quechan) | |
Ozmun, Lincoln (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Ozuna, Mariano | |
55 | Pace, Udall Wilson |
Pacheco, Selestino and Esperanza (Mendez) | |
Padilla, Carmen | |
Padilla, Veronica | |
Paiz, Maria Justa ((Perez) | |
Pagan, Pete and Virginia | |
Page, Amelia (Cocopah) | |
Page, Lucy (Cocopah) | |
Pakinkis, W. F. (“Bronco Bill”) | |
Palacio, Frank A. | |
Palma (Quechan chief) | |
Palmer, Joe (Navajo Code Talker) | |
Palmer, Ola (Williams) | |
Palomares Family | |
Palone, Ervin (Quechan) | |
Palone, Paul (Quechan) | |
Pancrazi, Robert | |
Pancrazi Family | |
Pantagas, Julio | |
Papar (Papn, PapHahn), Leonard | |
Paquin, Dr. James | |
Paranya, Pinkie (writer) | |
Parenti, Phillip | |
Parker, Alfred Howard | |
Parker, Debbie | |
Parker, Earl H. | |
Parker, Fred H. (prospector) | |
Parker, Hippah (Quechan) | |
Parker, Prosper P. | |
Parks, George D. and Libby Ann (Simunek) | |
Parks, Newt | |
Parks, Patti Family | |
Parras Family | |
Pascual (Quechan chief) | |
Pask, Scott (Tony Award for Set Design) |
Pasquinelli, Gary and Pete | |
Patrice, Sister | |
Patrick, Kent | |
Patterson, Barbara B. | |
Patterson, Effie (Lyall) | |
Patterson, Hattie L. | |
Patterson, James and Blanche | |
Patterson, John | |
Patterson, L. F. | |
Patterson, Loyal Wesley | |
Patterson, Ruben L. | |
Patterson, R. S. | |
Paulsen, Cynthia | |
Payan, Irma | |
Payne, Mary Refugio (Rizo) | |
56 | Peabody, George (Tompkins) |
Peach, John and Yvonne | |
Peach Family | |
Pelayo, Martin | |
Pena, Marcia | |
Pena, Ramon | |
Pender, William A. | |
Penilla, David | |
Penn, Juanna (Quechan) | |
Penn, William (Quechan) | |
Pennoyer, Jamie | |
Penny, Bill | |
Penny, Clara | |
Pennyson, Tom | |
Perez, Beatrice | |
Perez, Feliz | |
Perez, John | |
Perez, Josie V. | |
Perez, Justa Rosa | |
Perez, Louis E. (includes photos) | |
Perez, Louis Gonzales and Sarah (Domingues Castaneda) | |
Perez, Paul M. (photographer) | |
Perez, Rupento | |
Perez Family | |
Perkins, Linwood | |
Perkins, Maxine | |
Perry, Louanna | |
Perry, Margaret (Byrne) | |
Peterkin, G. S. | |
Peters, Lawrence (cactus sitter) |
Peterson, Don | |
Peterson, Manda | |
Peterson, Robbie | |
Peterson – Hosto, Audrey Lynne | |
Pettigrew, Michael | |
Pfeiffer, Velma | |
Phillips, Guty and Minnie (Jidwell) Family | |
Phillips, H. P. | |
Phillips, Judy (artist) | |
Phillips, Bob (“Red”) | |
Phillips, Leigh | |
Phillips, Dr. William A. | |
Phillips Family | |
Phipps, Donna | |
Phipps, John (artist) | |
Picker, George | |
Pickering, George | |
Pidgeon, Edward R. | |
Pierce, Jim | |
Pierson, Sister Lillian | |
Pina, Evelyn | |
Pinsker, Harriet | |
Pipes, Lily | |
Pirkle, Arthur J. (writer) | |
Plew, Lucille | |
Plosser, Laura (deVane) | |
57 | Pointdexter, William Gentry |
Polhamus, Charles | |
Polhamus, Francis O. | |
Polhamus, Isaac (“Captain” b. 1829) and Sacramento (Sambrano) | |
Polhamus, Isaac III (“Ike” b. 1889) (Yuma Police Chief) | |
Polhamus, James M. | |
Polhamus, Jennie | |
Polhamus, John | |
Polhamus, Leland Vincent | |
Polhamus, Melvin H. | |
Polhamus, Sara Lopez | |
Polhamus Family | |
Pool, Harold | |
Pool, Marjorie V. | |
Pool, Sanford P. and Lara (Barry) Family | |
Porter, Bill A. | |
Porter, DeForest | |
Post, Albert Ernest | |
Post, Albert William |
Post, Asa F. | |
Post, Mary Elizabeth | |
Post Family | |
Poston, Charles Debrille | |
Potter, Margaret A. | |
Powell, Charles | |
Powell, Dixie L. | |
Powell, Edith | |
Powell, John Wesley | |
Power, Albert | |
Power, Curt Jr. | |
Power, Ernest | |
Power, J. C. | |
Power, L. O. (Pete) | |
Power, Martha F. and Albert | |
Power, Noah E. | |
Power, Saxton (“Sax”) | |
Power, Stephen | |
Power, William Edward and Sarah Elizabeth (Lee) Family | |
Power, William S. | |
58 | Pradt, Dericka (actress, model) |
Preciado, Julian | |
Preciado, Leda | |
Price, Gladys S. | |
Price, W. W. | |
Pridgen, Audrey | |
Priest, Raymond Marshall and Frankie Bellamy (Gillam) Family (includes “Raymond Marshall Priest – The Yuma Project”) |
Priest, Ward and Adele | |
Prince, Frank | |
Pritchard, Margaret | |
Pridgen, William H. | |
Proebstel, Mary | |
Purdy, Samuel J. | |
Putnam, Barry Folsom Family | |
Pyle, Roy O and Fay C. | |
Quinn, Pat | |
Quirk, Warren | |
Qualupe, Helen M. (Quechan) | |
Quintero, Emma | |
Quiroz, Dave | |
Quiroz, Jennie | |
Quiroz, Pete | |
Quiroz Family | |
Quinlin, James |
Quintero, Genoveva (Garcia) | |
Quintero, Kristine (Williams) Family (includes. Williams, Hiles, Whitcomb, and Baylor Families) | |
59 | Ragel, Mary Ann (Pickenbach) (Buchanan) |
Rainbow, Doris (Quechan) | |
Rainbow, Lee (Quechan) | |
Rains, John | |
Rainwater, Versie | |
Ralston, Dale and Ludmelia (Holstein) Family | |
Rambo, Clyde “Red” and Family | |
Ramirez, Cora | |
Ramirez, Joe and Mago | |
Ramirez, Manuel | |
Ramirez, Rayo | |
Ramos, Rev. Father Francisco (Ramiro Fancosso) | |
Ramos, Frank | |
Ramsey, Bob (Pima Indian) | |
Ramsey, John (“Dean of Desert Prospectors”) | |
Ramsey, Mannie LaVerna | |
Ramsey, Richard H. | |
Ramsey, Wade | |
Randolph, Fred | |
Ratliff, H. W. and Ruth (Leach) | |
Rautenberg, Dick | |
Ray, Alonzo M. (“Lon”) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Ray, William L. | |
Raya, Juanita | |
Reavis, David D. | |
Reavis, Isham | |
Reavis, James Addison | |
Redondo, Alfonso | |
Redondo, Angelica | |
Redondo, Emanuel | |
Redondo, Estevan Family | |
Redondo, Hector | |
Redondo, Horace | |
Redondo, Jesus (1826-1897) | |
Redondo, John | |
Redondo, John Lewis Jr. | |
Redondo, Jose Maria and Piedad | |
Redondo, Joseph L. and Family | |
Redondo, Joseph F. | |
Redondo, Luis M. Militar | |
Reeder, Paul R. | |
Reese, Joseph D. |
Reeves, Cathy | |
Reid, Ruth | |
Reyes, Virginia | |
Reilly, James | |
Reilly, Joseph Michael and Mary Emma (Hittle) Family | |
Rendon, Joey | |
Renteria, Geronima | |
Renteria, Maria C. | |
Reyes, Jose | |
Reynolds, Mark | |
Reynolds, Sally | |
Rezin, Eva Whitsel | |
60 | Rhodes, John |
Rhorer, Terri | |
Rice, Lovebel | |
Richards, Jeff | |
Richards, Lavina Ruth | |
Richardson, Booker T. (Tacna, Ariz.) | |
Ricks, George and Emma Family | |
Rico, Felipe C. | |
Rico, Vic | |
Rico, Ysmael | |
Rider, Doris | |
Ridley, Walter | |
Riebe, Norman J. | |
Riedel, Nieves (Garcia) | |
Riggs, Barney | |
Riley, Clara | |
Riley, Don and Jeffie | |
Riley, Laura (Sabin) (writer) | |
Riley, Thomas T. (Picacho, Calif.) | |
Riley, Walter D. | |
Riley, William | |
Rinehart, Ricky | |
Ringwald, Gustave A. | |
Rios, Marci | |
Ritchie, Lester | |
Rivera, Vincent | |
Rivers, Jean | |
Roach, Janet Gordon (writer) | |
Robbins, Masuko Summers (artist) | |
Roberts, Bonnie | |
Roberts, Calvin | |
Roberts, Cathy | |
Roberts, Dale |
Roberts, Ira | |
Robertson, C. W. | |
Robertson, George R. and Mary (Pine) | |
Robertson, Peter T. | |
Robinson, George R. (Fire Chief) | |
Robison, Sam | |
Robinson, C. B. and Jodie | |
Robinson, Harland | |
Robinson, James Calvin (“Robby”) | |
Robinson, Mary C. | |
Robinson, Palantine and Sarah | |
Robinson, Raymond | |
Robles, Bob (writer–poet) | |
Robles, Conception (“Connie”) | |
Rochester, Barbara | |
Rodenbaugh, G. A. | |
Rodriquez, Alexander and Julia (Rames) | |
Rodriguez, Alta G. | |
Rodriguez, Joann | |
Rodriguez, Joseph (“Sonny”) | |
Rodriguez, Marie | |
Rodriquez Family | |
Rogacki, Vit and Angela (Somerton, Ariz.) (artist) | |
Rogers, Tom | |
Rohrbough, Jay and Mary Laura (Welch) Family | |
Rohrer, Caroline Newell (“Carrie”) | |
Rolfe, Barbara and Buddy | |
Rolle, James B. | |
Rolle, Sarah | |
61 | Romanyik, Pavel (“Peter”) (dancer) |
Romero, Carmelita de Mara (world’s oldest living person) | |
Romero, Josefa | |
Romero, Ysmail | |
Romo, J. | |
Romos, Anita | |
Ronstadt, Henry and Guadalupe (Lupe) | |
Rood, William B. | |
Rooney, Dr. C. E. | |
Roosevelt, Theodore | |
Root, Sophia (Johannsen) | |
Rosales, Belen | |
Rose, D. C. | |
Rose, Hugh W. | |
Rose, Pete (Quechan) | |
Rosson, Dr. Roland |
Rouff Family | |
Rounds, Opal | |
Rouse, Laurance T. (“Curly”) | |
Rowell, Converse Willard Chamberlain | |
Rowell, Elmer | |
Rowland, Noel | |
Rube, Joe | |
Ruby, Dario and Agusta | |
Ruch, Bill | |
Ruch, Eugene D. | |
Ruiz, Joe (“Chepe”) (musician) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Ruiz, Charlene | |
Ruiz, Gloria | |
Rummel, Erma H. | |
Rupp, Paul Kenneth | |
Rushin, Tom | |
Rusing, Gayle Holmgren | |
Russell, Prudence | |
Russell, Sennan (Quechan) | |
Rust, Theodore Green | |
Ruth, Walter P. (“Cowboy”) | |
Rutledge, James William | |
Ryan, Mark (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Rynning, Thomas H. | |
62 | Sabala, John R. |
Sage, Cornelius | |
Sage, Mina | |
Salcido, Maria | |
Salas, Christina Fuentes | |
Salas Family | |
Salomon, Maria Ines | |
Salpointe, Rev. Father John B. (Bishop of Arizona, Archbishop of Santa Fe) | |
Sam, Charlie (Chinese restaurateur and grocer) | |
Sam Charlie II (b.1899, Chinese grocer) | |
Sambrano Family | |
Samra, Gurshran (“Sonny”) | |
Sams, Virgil | |
San Diego, Mrytle Miguel (Quechan) | |
Sanchez, Josh | |
Sanchez, Josephine | |
Sanchez, Ricardo (San Luis, Ariz.) | |
Sandate, Refugia Y. | |
Sandate, Rosa | |
Sanderson, Nancy (writer) |
Sands, Helen B. | |
Sandstrom, Kirsten Leigh | |
Sanguinetti, Eugene Frank | |
Sanguinetti, Eugene Frank Jr. (“Francis”) | |
Sant, Ferdy and Margaret | |
Santa Criz, Antonio Sala | |
Santana, Juan | |
Satarain, Maria (blind girl in the 1870’s) | |
Saunders, Spurling (“Pop”) | |
Savage, Aura Mae (Graves) (Robbins) (artist) | |
Savage, Eugene T. | |
Savilla, Agnes (Mohave, Colorado River Indian Tribe) | |
Savilla, Elmer (Quechan President) | |
Savilla, William (Quechan President) | |
Sawers, Mabel | |
Saxon, Kurt | |
Scarbrough, John R. | |
Schaefer, Robert | |
Schechert, Henry H. (“Hank”) (Founder of Foothills) | |
Schofield, John (“Little John”) | |
Schaal, William F. | |
Schafer, Ernest | |
Scholl, David | |
Schott, Alma Cooper | |
Schuett, Trudy W. (writer) | |
Schuman, Perry | |
Schutz, Glennie (Card) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Scott, Anna S. | |
Schmidt, Vaughn | |
Schott, Alma | |
Schumecker, Raphael and Nadine (Tiedemann) | |
Schupbach, Carl William and Vera (Coate) Family | |
Schutz, Clyde S. | |
Schwark, Zola | |
Schwarting, Cotna | |
Scott, Clifford A. | |
Scott, James N. | |
Scott, Williard J. and Anna Marie (Green) | |
Scott, William Elsworth and Angela (Gonzales) (Quartzsite, Ariz.) | |
Scott, Robert L. (Parker, Ariz.) | |
63 | Seals, Kirch |
Sealy, S. B. (Cibola Valley, Ariz.) | |
Seamans, George H. and Arah (Patterson) | |
Seay, Estella L. | |
Seeley, Alfred L. |
Seibel, Josh (dancer) | |
Self, Everette | |
Sellers, Henry J. | |
Serrano, Miguel | |
Setchfield, Stewart (musician) | |
Sexsmith, Pearl B. | |
Sexsmith Family | |
Sexton, Ed | |
Shackelford, Esther A. | |
Shanssey, John (“Honest John”) | |
Sharp, Irene (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Sharpensteen Family | |
Shaw, Bill and Gerry | |
Shaw, LaVerne (Stanton) | |
Shaw, Sarah (musician) | |
Shelley, Jordan (film actor) | |
Sheridan, David V. | |
Sheridan, James M. | |
Sheridan, Mike | |
Sheridan Family | |
Sherman, Uriah S. | |
Shill, Quinton Scott | |
Shipp, Keifer and Grace (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Shipp, Lucy | |
Shipp, Mary A. and William Ollie | |
Shipp Family | |
Shorey, W. Harold | |
Short, E. L. (Bouse, Ariz.) | |
Shove, Tim | |
Short, E. L. | |
Showalter, Daniel | |
Shown, Stella | |
Shropshire, William | |
Sibley, Harry D. | |
Siebeck, Julius | |
Silverman, Joel (film screenwriter) | |
Simes, Jack | |
Simmons, Henry W. (“Churckawalla Kid”) | |
Simons, Fred E. | |
Simpson, Mike | |
Sims, Mike | |
Skinner, Paul and Emma (Crow) | |
Slaughter, William | |
Slicker, Bill (actor) | |
Slocen, Robert E and Jill (Dateland, Ariz.) |
Smalley, Charles (musician) | |
Smith, Aleine | |
Smith, Alva (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Smith, Anne | |
Smith, Beula | |
Smith, Charles M. and Daisy B. | |
Smith, Chris | |
Smith, Cicero Stewart | |
Smith, Delfina Sanchez | |
Smith, Denny and Lille (Pool) | |
Smith, Henry Britton | |
Smith, Hettie (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Smith, Hewlitt | |
Smith, Homer | |
64 | Smith, Ira P. Family |
Smith, Jame A. | |
Smith, Jim D. | |
Smith, Joseph W. | |
Smith, John H. | |
Smith, Juan | |
Smith, John C. and Eula (Whitman) | |
Smith, Laura Gordon | |
Smith, Louis | |
Smith, Lulu Mae | |
Smith, M. L. (Joe) and Bertha M. (Wyly) Family | |
Smith, Margaret (Saxton) | |
Smith, Maud M. | |
Smith, Melvin (museum collector) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Smith, Miles P. (“Shade Tree”) | |
Smith, Orville L. | |
Smith, Pam | |
Smith, Thomas L. (“Pegleg”) | |
Smith, Travis | |
Smith, Voyle L. | |
Smith, William Michael | |
Smith, William P. | |
Smith, Willie Family | |
Smucker, Ray Family | |
Snell, Jay H. | |
Snider, E. Q. | |
Snively, Jacob | |
Snyder, Mary | |
Sogard, Lovella J. (“Val”) | |
Soarez, Jose M. | |
Sobotka, John Robert |
Soldwedel, Donald N. | |
Soldwedel, Joe | |
Soliz, Jeronimo (“Jerry”) (artist) | |
Solomon, Charles M. | |
Solovay, Dr. Mark | |
Sonnenmoser, Pamela (Gwinn) | |
Sorpillon, Liboro D. | |
Sorensen, Stella D. | |
Sossaman, Iris Victoria (Ryan) | |
Sosa, Feliz | |
Sortillion, Andrew | |
Sortillon Family | |
Sotelo, Mary Josephene | |
Soto, Canuto | |
Soto, Paul (“Cocopah”) | |
Sower, Edson | |
Spain, Madeline (“Wellton, Ariz.) | |
Sparks, Annie | |
Sparks, R. C. (Gadsden, Ariz.) | |
Sparks, Wendell | |
Speer, Jack | |
Speese, John | |
Spencer, Clarence Veldon | |
Spencer, Ruth | |
Spitler, Ruth (writer) | |
Splawn, Kenneth Thomas | |
Splawn, Olon | |
Stafford, C. William (“Bill”) | |
Stahl, James Firmin and Scottie (Lee) | |
Stahl, Loyal Carns and Emma Alice Townsend Family | |
Stahl, Melvin Roosevelt Sr. and Hazel (Webb) Family | |
Stahl, Melvin Roosevelt Jr. and Ann (Thacker) Family | |
Stallworth, Richard | |
Stalnaker, Lillian | |
Stanley, John Frank Family | |
Stanley, Dr. John Frank Jr. | |
Stanley, S. Frank and Laura (Trammell) | |
Stanton, Francis | |
Stanton, Richard (“Whitey”) | |
Stanton, Richard Henry and Agnes (Godfrey) | |
65 | Steenberger, William A. |
Steiert, Gene and Opal (Hamblen) | |
Steiert-Hillebert Families | |
Stenson, Richard | |
Stephan, William |
Stevens, John C. | |
Stinnett, George A. | |
Stafford, C. William | |
Stafford, Mike | |
Stanhope, Lea | |
Stark, Earl F. | |
Stebner, Carol | |
Steele, Mike | |
Steen, William R. | |
Steenhard, Susan | |
Stein, Joseph J. | |
Steinfeld, Albert | |
Steinfelt, Vickie | |
Stevens, Earl and Pearl (Weston) | |
Stevens, Warren Edward and Margaret Leolia (Westover) Family | |
Stevenson, Mae (Ferson) | |
Stewart, Carma | |
Stewart, Jimmie W. (“Straw”) | |
Stratton, Anthony Vern | |
Stirratt, Helen | |
Stocker, Don | |
Stoffela, John | |
Stringham, Ardis (Laudenslager) (musician) | |
Stout, Dean Sanford | |
Stowe, Jan | |
Straley, Chip | |
Sturdivant, Bertram Victor (“Sturdy”) | |
Sturges, Charles | |
Sturges, Derelle Ellsworth | |
Sturges, Glen | |
Sturges, Stephen H. and Rose (Poos) | |
Sturges, W. | |
Sturm, Marie | |
Stewart, Jack (John?) | |
Stuart, Lenore | |
Sullivan, Dolly L. | |
Sullivan, Marcia E. | |
Sullivan, Patrick J. and Family | |
Sullivan, Thomas P. | |
Sumner, Stephan | |
Summerhayes, Martha | |
Suverkrup, Hank | |
Swain, Steve | |
Sweeny, Thomas W. | |
Swilling, Jack |
Swift, Alex | |
Swift Arrow, Lindsey (Quechan) | |
Swing, Philip David | |
Sykes, Godfrey | |
Syron, Charles W. | |
66 | Tabor, Clifford C. |
Taggart, Dr. Jim H. | |
Tank, Betty (aviator) | |
Tannehill, Ruth E. | |
Tanner, Rollin C. | |
Tarwater, Joe (artist) | |
Taylor, Charles W. | |
Taylor, Ebbie | |
Taylor, Emzy (Enzy?) | |
Taylor, Gary | |
Taylor, Janelle (writer) | |
Taylor, Jim S. (Quechan) | |
Taylor, John | |
Taylor, Nathaniel | |
Taylor, Ruthie | |
Taylor, Sherwood (Quechan) | |
Taylor, Theodosia (Quechan) | |
Taylor, William | |
Tays, Henry C. | |
Teague, John | |
Telford, Harvie Obie | |
Templeman, Kaye (artist) | |
Terry Curtis | |
Tester, Louise | |
Tevis, James Henry | |
Thacker, Florence | |
Thacker Family | |
Thayer, Carl | |
Thibalult, Dr. Marie-Josee | |
Thiesen, Charles | |
Thode, Thomas A. | |
Thomas, Bob | |
Thomas, Charles W. Jr. and Ruth Family | |
Thomas, Frank | |
Thomas, Grant (dancer) | |
Thomas, K. Helen | |
Thomas, Melissa (Cocopah) | |
Thomas, Sam | |
Thomas, Walter N. | |
Thompson, Betty |
Thomas, William (Cocopah) | |
Thompson, Beulah V. | |
Thompson, Charlie Henry | |
Thompson, Jeff | |
Thompson, Mike | |
Thompson, Shirley (belly dancer) | |
Thorn, Woodrow | |
Thornton Family | |
Thrower, Artie L. | |
Thurlow, George | |
Thurman (Thorroughman), George and Mary Addie (Huckaby) Family | |
Thurman, Maggie (Lynch) (Huckaby) | |
Thyregod, Carl A. | |
Tiffany, Joesph | |
Tillman, Charles W. (Stanwix Station, Ariz.) | |
Tillman, Fagan | |
Timmons, William F. | |
Tindall, Dr. Charles H. | |
67 | Tobias, E. H. |
Tollestrup, David | |
Tongeland, Dr. Arthur and Marian | |
Torres, Casmiria | |
Torres, Emma | |
Torres, Eugene (“Gene”) | |
Torres, Geronimo | |
Torres, Jesse | |
Townley, James (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
Townsend, Albert W. | |
Townsend, Clara (Ferguson) | |
Townsend, Harry Edger and Mary Elizabeth (Westfall) Family | |
Townsend, Ida May | |
Townsend, Oscar F. Family | |
Townsend, Phil | |
Trafzer, Clifford (historian) | |
Trigg, Don (museum collector) | |
Trigg, Trudy | |
Trimble, Marshall (historian) | |
Trippel, A. A. and Dorothy (Titcomb) | |
Tucker, Ida Mae | |
Tucker, Roberta (Berry) | |
Tudor, Neil | |
Turnell, Kevin | |
Turner, Emmett Leon | |
Turner, Frances (Doan) | |
Turner, Frank W. |
Turnell, Gertrude | |
Turpin, Kate | |
Turrentine, Cinday (dancer) | |
Tuthill, Dr. Alexander Mackenzie | |
Tuttle, Allyn | |
Tuttle, Edward D. | |
Tyner, Andrew | |
Tyng, George | |
Tyson, Charlie | |
Ubert, Genebobo | |
Udall, Morrris | |
Ulloa, Genevieve | |
Underhill, Emily | |
Underhill, John | |
Underhill, Thomas W. | |
Underwood, Agatha | |
Underwood, Hollis M. | |
Underwood, Maurice | |
Uribe, Joe | |
Urrea, Arthur | |
Urrutia, Gilbert V. | |
Urtuzaustequi Family (Basque) (Somerton, San Luis, Ariz.) |
Uruchurtu, Dr. Richard A. Jr. | |
Ursuery, Ivy May | |
Utting, Charles H. | |
68 | Valencia, Gustavo (“Bob”) |
Valencia, Joe | |
Valenzuela, Francisco | |
Valenzuela, Yolanda | |
Van Dewalle, George | |
Van Hooser, William T. and Eunice | |
Van Horn, C. W. | |
Van Siclin, Frank | |
Vance, Sharon | |
Vance, Vivian Marie (Gordon) (Somerton) | |
Vanegas Family | |
Varela, Henry | |
Vargas, Juanita (Salomen) | |
Varner, Walter Jr. and Mary Louise (Balsz) | |
Vasquez, Esperanza | |
Vasquez, Juan | |
Vasquez, Refugio | |
Vasquez, Rosa | |
Vasquez, Viscenta |
Vaughn, Homer Lee | |
Vaughn, Jesse Aiken and Nellie (Grose) | |
Vaught, Tarrie | |
Vega, Artemisa (Martinez) | |
Velarde, Luciano | |
Velasquez Family | |
Veneges, Guadalupe | |
Vera, Rosaria | |
Verdugo, Ramona | |
Vierra, Agnes (Balsz) (Redondo) | |
Vierra, Frank M. | |
Villa, Henry Coz | |
Villa, Pancho | |
69 | Villa, Refugio N. |
Villa, Rosalia (Coz) | |
Villa, Sylvester C. and Artemisa Family | |
Villaneda, Nina Josephine | |
Villenueva, Crescencio | |
Villanueva, Manuel | |
Villanueva, Paul | |
Villareal, Ana Hart (Quechan) | |
Vincent, Albert Russell | |
Vincent, Leon | |
Vitalins, Anna | |
Volpin, Abe | |
Von Schoeler, Waldemar A. | |
Voorhis, George | |
Vomicil, Frank and Marie Family | |
Vomicil, Stella | |
Votaw, Carroll | |
Votaw, J. D. | |
70 | Waddell, Riance (Roll, Ariz.) |
Waddell, T. J. (“Ted”) | |
Waddell, Williard | |
Wade, Terre | |
Wade, W. J. Sr. | |
Wadin, John and Anna (Olsson) Family (includes Tom and Anna Molloy) | |
Wagner, Leah | |
Wagner, Melba Barbara (Sheridan) | |
Walker, Dr. Bruce | |
Waggoner, Fred | |
Waits, Elliot | |
Waldridge, Jeremy | |
Walker, James M. |
Walker, Jay | |
Walker, John D | |
Walker, Mary Jane | |
Walker, Polly | |
Walker, Ray | |
Walker, Sanford L. (“Sparky”) | |
Walker, William | |
Wall, Ebert (“Bert”) | |
Wall, Victor L. | |
Wallace, Charles | |
Wallace, Frank (“Slim”) | |
Wallace, Jack | |
Wallace, May C. | |
Walling, Preston | |
Walsh, Robert Owen | |
Walter, Mary | |
Walters, Pete | |
Ward, John R. | |
Ward, Walter and Teresa | |
Warner, Myra M. | |
Washum, Barbara Wilbanks (includes reminiscence “Taming The Kofa Mountains.”) | |
Washum, Wyona (Hoy) (“Nona”) | |
Washum, Jim | |
Wasson, Daisy | |
Watkins, Kelly | |
Watkins, William Dow | |
Watson, Kathy | |
Watson, Ron | |
Watson, T. B and Anna Laura | |
Wayt, William | |
Weatherford, Cassie | |
Weatherly, Bob | |
Weaver, Paulino9 | |
Webb, E. Family | |
Webb, Vernon | |
Weber, Dennis | |
Weber, Helen (Cypert) | |
Weber, John | |
Weber, Matt Lutes | |
Weeks, Charles Preston and Jessarene (Beatty) Family | |
Weeks, Dorothea | |
Weeks, O. K. and Cora (McBryde) (Somerton, Ariz.) | |
71 | Weichmann, Erika |
Welch, Robert and Eliza (“Dan”) (Hadnot) (Wellton, Ariz). |
Wells, Samuel | |
Werley, Robert H. | |
Weidner, Jack | |
Welch, Claude | |
Welch, Kazuko (“Kay”) | |
Welch, Michael | |
Welter, Joy Mayhew | |
Werley, Robert H. (photographer) | |
Werninger, William Augustus (“Uncle Billy”) | |
West, Don | |
West, George | |
West, Loy G. | |
West, Sarah Alice (Parker, Ariz.) | |
Westerbeek, Bill | |
Westover, Adele B. | |
Westover, John Homer and Anna (Musselman) Family | |
Westover, William H. and Dora (Wharton) | |
Wets, Maren Widdill (artist) | |
Wham, Joseph | |
Wheeler, Ada | |
Wheeler, Carlene E. | |
Wheeler, Ellen | |
Wheeler, Felix (Quechan) | |
Wheeler, Frank | |
Wheeler, Glenn | |
Wheeler, Howard | |
Wheeler, Leavenworth (“Bun”) | |
Whipple, Amiel | |
Whisiker, Stephen S. | |
White, Antone (Cocopah?) | |
White, Bessie (Cocopah) | |
White, Charley | |
White, Claudette (Quechan) | |
White, Elmer | |
White, James (Colorado River explorer) | |
White, Josie Leona | |
White, Lorraine (Quechan) | |
White, Paloma | |
White, Robert Lee | |
White, Serena Dula | |
White, Stella | |
White, Wally | |
Whitman, Bill | |
Whitney, Al | |
72 | Wick, Frank |
Wiedeman, Adolf | |
Wiland, John | |
Wilbanks, Jack and Martha | |
Wilbur, Bessie | |
Wilburn, Byard C. | |
Wicott, William | |
Wilcox, Alfred Henry and Maria (Arguello) | |
Wilcox, Mark | |
Wilder, U. George | |
Wilhelmy, Dr. John | |
Wilkey, Mary Lou | |
Wilkinson, Robert L. | |
Willen, James Merrill | |
Williams, Bill (mountain man, d. 1849) | |
Williams, Bill | |
Williams, Deena | |
Williams, Ed. F. | |
Williams, John Bell and Della Roxy (Crossline) Family | |
Williams, Mary Cloud | |
Williams, Mattie | |
Williams, Ray | |
Williams, Uriah and Amanda (Abstract of Title 1908-1938) | |
Williams, William H. and Thelma | |
Williamson, Robert Stockton | |
Williamson, Theodore Roosevelt Sr. | |
Willis, O. H. | |
Wills, Dr. E. C. | |
Willson, Roscoe G. | |
Willweber, Charles Andrew and Mary (Hodges) Family | |
Willweber, Louis Family | |
Wilson, Esther | |
Wilson, George | |
Wilson, Jeff | |
Wilson, John Charles (“Jay”) | |
Wilson, John and Mercedes (Mendoza) (Downey) | |
Wilson, Kathy | |
Wilson, Mary Marquez | |
Wilson, Robert Flores | |
Wilson, Scott | |
73 | Winchester, Josiah (Quartzsite, Bouse, Ariz.) |
Winder, Richard | |
Winn, M. L. (” Jack”) | |
Winsor, Clarissa (Brown) | |
Winsor, Mulford Jr. | |
Winsor, Mulford III (“Mud”) |
Winsor Family | |
Wisener, Joanne | |
Wisner, William and Emma (Branch) Family | |
Witter, Jeffry (“Jack”) | |
Wolff, Henry (“Butch”) | |
Wolff, Oliver | |
74 | Womack, Teri |
Wombacher, Jim | |
Wong, Daniel Family | |
Wong, Gim Hong | |
Wong, Tin Family | |
Wood, Ralph | |
Woodard, R. Pete and Frances | |
Woodhouse, Robert (“Robbie”) | |
Woodhouse, Robert F. (Bob) and Elberta (“Berta”) (McLain) | |
Woodmansee, William J. | |
Woods, Grace Fisher | |
Woods, Karen (“Kay”) | |
Woods, Duncan | |
Woods, Sidney Sterling and Jane Family | |
Woolever, Julia | |
Woodward Family | |
Woolsey, King Sam | |
Worthen, Charles and Lois (musician) | |
Worthington, James and Carrie | |
Worthington, Minnie | |
Worthington, T. J. | |
Wozencraft,. Oliver | |
Wright, Albert P. | |
Wright, Harold Bell (writer) | |
Wright, Herschel H. | |
Wright, Lewis (Quechan) | |
Wright, Oreal L. and Elva (Hinshaw) | |
Wright, Rebecca | |
Wright, Vernon C. | |
Wright, Wayne and Adele | |
Wullenjohn, Amanda | |
Wupperman, Henry | |
Wupperman, Mary | |
75 | Yancy, William and Mattie |
Yancy, Travis (“Bud”) | |
Yanez Family | |
Yanez, Larry (“artist”) | |
Yang, Thomas W. | |
Yarwood, Caroline (Hobbs) |
Yates, Elaine | |
Yates, Imogene | |
Yeamans, Paula (“Lollipop” clown) | |
Yeazell, Clayton | |
Yoder, Mahlon E. | |
York, J. Archie and Clara (Killian) (Bard, Calif.) | |
Young, Daisy | |
Young, Dorothy Ann | |
Young, Edwin F. (Win) | |
Young, Ernest | |
Young, Pete and Marilyn | |
Young, Roy R. | |
Younker, Harold | |
Zamprelli, Gloria and Vincent | |
Zapata, Vincente | |
Zavala, Juan (John) Laubio Jr. | |
Zavala, John R. | |
Zavala, Marcelin | |
Zavala Family | |
Zender, Marguerite | |
Zepeda, Lily | |
Zerega, Joel (Somerton, Ariz.) (artist) | |
Zimmerman, Donald L. | |
Zinn, Ruth | |
Zonver, John | |
Zug, Robert | |
76 - OV | Acosta, Ruben |
Alexander, Olive Elizabeth | |
Ammons, Mark | |
Avila, Mary | |
Barrantes-Arzuaga, Gina | |
Birmingham, James | |
Brockway, Harvey William & Doris Kathleen Michell | |
Buckholz, Herman | |
Byrne, Peter | |
Card, Aregl Bernard | |
Chappell, James A. | |
Clymer, H. Vance | |
Contreras, Concepcion | |
Copple, Glenn | |
Dean, Elmer | |
Gheldof, J. | |
Hodges, Belle | |
Kelly, Harry & Carrie (McLain) | |
Levy, Isaac | |
Livingston, C.A. | |
Patotzka, Gus & Eileen (Taylor) | |
Perkins, Linwood | |
Pryor, Allan | |
Sharp, Tellis | |
Smith, John | |
Smith, Virginia | |
Wanamaker, John | |
Zug, Elmer & Isabel (Hodges) |