Heritage Centennial Timeline

“A few … public spirited ladies of Yuma have started the ball rolling for a free reading room and library in Yuma, … They are after a slice of the Carnegie library fund, … and the chances are very good for their securing it…. -Arizona Sentinel, October 7, 1903
And so began the endeavor to develop a permanent location for the Yuma Carnegie Library. There have been various name changes, several bond election measures passed, and physical divisions between counties (Yuma and La Paz). There have also been additions and renovations. Yet through it all, the “free reading room and library in Yuma” is standing the test of time. Thank you for taking the time to review our history.
A Reading Room is established by the Yuma City Club, a women’s organization, in the Polhamus home on Madison Avenue and Second Street.
Mrs. Mel Greenleaf agreed to supervise the reading room in exchange for having her living quarters in the home. The budget was about $35 a month. Money was obtained from donations.

The Yuma City Council applied to the Carnegie Foundation for a grant. The Carnegie Foundations advised that $10,000 could be made available for a library building as a grant, if the city could provide a suitable location.
The City Council established the location as being Block 113 of the City of Yuma, which used to be known as Sunset Park.

Yuma City Resolution #102, created the office of Carnegie Public Library trustees and outlined duties and responsibilities. The resolution stated that Trustees must be residents of the City of Yuma.
Yuma Carnegie Library opened on February 24, 1921. At the opening, there were 1,053 volumes and seating for 20 persons.
Mrs. Addie Kline was hired as the first librarian and continued in this role until 1957. The Yuma City Council approved a budget of $600.

Mrs. Jane Smith was hired as the Assistant Librarian.
The Library Board discussed opening a Children’s Section.

Mrs. Jane Smith resigned.
Miss Phoebe Alexander was hired as Assistant Librarian.
Miss Phoebe Alexander resigned.
Miss Oriola Noriega was appointed as Assistant Librarian.
The Yuma Library began loaning a collection of books on a revolving system to the Civilian Conservation Corps Camp (CCC Camp) with their efforts in the Yuma agricultural community.
The Library Board discussed opening a Children’s Section.
The City of Yuma held a $93,000 Bond Election, where voters voted to enlarge and remodel the original Yuma Carnegie Library building.
Here is a photo of the newly renovated building.

The building remodeling was completed to included a 28 x 100’ two-level addition. The main floor was used as the Yuma City Library and the lower floor was leased to the Elementary School Board of Yuma as a school library.
Miss Oriola Noriega, granted a year’s leave of absence, was unable to resume her duties.
In July, the lease with the city schools expired; therefore, the Children’s Department moved to the lower level. With a new department, Mrs. Dorothy Steiert was hired as the first Children’s Librarian. She stayed until 1970.
Mrs. Mildred Ludecke becomes the first Yuma City Library professional librarian with a Master’s degree. She continued her role as the Librarian until 1961.
Yuma County had no public libraries. A formal contract was signed between the City of Yuma and Yuma County for county library services within the county. Yuma Carnegie Library’s name was formally changed to Yuma City-County Library (YCCL).
Bookmobile Service began with a three-month loan of a bookmobile from the Arizona State Library’s Library Extension Service. YCCL Library services were expanded to offer phonograph records, films and filmstrips. YCCL Library Board was awarded “Outstanding Board of Library Trustees” by the Arizona State Library Association.

Somerton Branch Library opened in April in the Fire Hall with the following agreement: YCCL would supply the books and materials with Somerton providing library attendant and fixtures.
YCCL received the first annual Arizona Library Association Award for distinguished library service. The first Spanish language collection was added to YCCL. In July, Mrs. Frances E. “Betty” Thomas was hired as the YCCL Assistant Librarian.

Wellton Town Library opened on June 19th in a classroom staffed by volunteers, in Wellton Elementary School in part thanks to the efforts of a library supporter Joanne Gallaher Pritchard of Wellton. Later in the year, the Wellton Town Library moved into the old school building.
Parker Public Library and Salome branches opened.
The first bookmobile was purchased by YCCL. It was named “The Roadrunner”. The Book of the Month Club was presented the American Library Association’s The Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award of $5,000 to the YCCL on April 15. The award was established in 1959 to recognize excellence in service and community support, and assist libraries in small communities who needed to supplement their materials budget.
Mrs. Ludecke was presented with the 1961 Librarian of the Year Award from the Arizona State Library Association. YCCL Board of Trustees member, Walter Varner, received the “Trustees Citation of Merit” from the American Library Association. This was the first time it went to an Arizonan.

Frances E. “Betty” Thomas became the Head Librarian at YCCL.
YCCL becomes a selective U.S. Government Depository library allowing free access to government material to patrons.

The City of Yuma passed a $165,000 bond measure. This measure was matched by federal funds. Bond monies were used to enlarge and remodel the YCCL for a total of 22,605 square feet.
The Arizona State Library Association presented the “Rosenzweig Award” for contributing significantly to the promotion and development of libraries in Arizona, to YCCL trustee Walter Varner.

Mrs. L.C.Dingess, Board of Trustees member, wields the gold-plated sledgehammer at the March 21st YCCL Groundbreaking ceremonies. The construction was completed in October 1966 at a cost of $335,000.
Architect James S. Liberty and Contractor Dennis Construction were contracted for the construction. The library would have seating for 100 with a staff of 16 full time employees.

YCCL begins a Talking Book Program through the Arizona State Library. Youth Storytimes were popular with young patrons.

Ted Hollin Library and Quartzsite Library branches were reopened after a brief closure.

A version of Friends of the Library program was popular with young patrons.

Maye E. Keith was employed as YCCL Assistant Director.
The Salome Branch closed.
Parker Affiliate reopened in a new building and location. The Wenden branch opened.

SERRA took over interlibrary loan service at no charge from the San Diego Public Library.

The Yuma City-County Library budget is $246,865.83. There are over 17,000 library cardholders and over 300,000 books checked out with 16 full time employees.

The Project Traveling Arizona-California Extension (TRACX) was funded by Title I and III for bookmobile service to California.
The YCCL Library Board of Trustees readopted the ALA LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS.
The Ted Hollin Library was moved to Carver School and reopened in February.
Two small, van-type bookmobiles were purchased for YCCL. Mohave County contracted with YCCL to provide bookmobile service to their residents.

Mrs. Frances E. “Betty” Thomas resigned as the Director. Mr. John R. McCracken was appointed Director.
Information and Referral Service is housed within Yuma Library.
YCCL’s Dial-a-Story for children started in April. The Northeast room of YCCL is no longer an exhibit area, it holds shelving for Arts Services collection. YCCL participated in the City’s first organized inventory and records management program.
The approved 1975-1976 library budget amount of $400,000 was the largest ever received. (This was a significant increase over previous years.) Steve George was hired as YCCL’s Extension Librarian. YCCL Staff Association formed. (It will cease in 1996.)

Quartzsite Branch closed in January. Ted Hollin Branch closed in June.
City of Yuma Bookmobile service established. Books-by-Mail program was started in March. The Boys’ Club Station closed. There is no information available on the opening date of the Inter-City Bookmobile service established.

Ohio College Library System (OCLC) terminal installed at YCCL.
Quartzsite Affiliate Library reopened. YCCL established Library service at Yuma City and County jails. YCCL starts adult programming. Books by Mail expanded regionally; program dropped in later 70’s.
YCCL’s Board of Trustees meeting changed from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday of month.

John McCracken resigned from Director position. Maye Keith was appointed as Director.
Steve George was appointed as Assistant Director.
Interior redecorating and repainting of Yuma Library.
Information and Referral Services moved to another agency.
Library Float Down the River

Steve George resigned as YCCL Assistant Director. Connie Hey appointed YCCL Assistant Director.
YCCL deposit collection of books established at Salome. YCCL purchases new county bookmobile.
YCCL Director Maye Keith resigned; Connie Hey appointed Acting Director.
Nancy R. Cummings appointed YCLD Director. Connie Hey continued as Assistant Director.
Yuma Reading Council formed and worked in conjunction with library until December 1986. The Literacy center was housed in the Yuma Library until September 1989 when it moved to 444 W 2nd Street.
YCLD awarded for federal funds for computer equipment to automate circulation system; phase 1 of the Automation Project SCAMP began. YCLD established deposit collection established at Salome.
YCLD’s Fiction room shifted to the Fine Arts room (NE room top floor). Fiction room (SE room top floor) became Periodicals (magazine) reading room.

Voters approve splitting Yuma County into La Paz and Yuma County.
La Paz County officially established January 1, 1983. Parker, Wenden, and Salome branches separated from YCCL. Bookmobile services were eliminated in new La Paz County.
Newly created Yuma Library Council holds first annual “Library Awareness Day” activities at YCCL.
First computer equipment purchased through grant arrived December 1982. Record book circulation at Yuma Library. Library staff (Director Nancy Cummings, Gen Smith, and Joan Heida) begins to use IBM PCs.
Yuma County funding dropped to $18,000 for bookmobile service only. Implementation of non-city user fee, thirty dollars per family. A decrease in circulation occurred.
Board member Joanne Wisener received ALA’s Rosenzweig Award.

First Teddy Bear Picnic started for Young Patrons by the Children’s Librarian.
There was some restoration because of some Yuma County funding. The non-city user fee eliminated. Foothills Mini Branch opened in 8×20’ space on November 4 with 1,500 paperbacks and an all-volunteer staff. Space was provided by Hank Schechert on the front porch of Foothills Clubhouse.
Vietnam Memorial Wall visits Yuma and set up in Yuma Library Park.
The District begins giving “Employee of Year” Award, with nominations made by staff. Joan Heida received the first award.

Automated circulation system SCAMP was implemented. Library awarded Agriculture resources grant.
City of San Luis built their library as a part of the city municipal center. It was built with Library Services and Construction Act federal funds and the City of San Luis matched funds. The library is named after Arnold Cordova Jr. It was dedicated on July 27.
Employee of the Year is Gen Smith.

The library is awarded USDE literacy grant and launched a full scale, countywide Literacy program. Anna Martin hired as Coordinator for Library Literacy services. State legislation passed which enabled counties to establish a secondary tax district to support libraries.
Employee of the Year is Joanne Millard
Yuma County Board of Supervisors established a secondary tax district to support libraries in July. The district is officially named the Yuma County Free Library District.
Cooperative grant with the Yuma Historical Society produced REFLECTIONS OF YUMA, videotape.
Employee of the Year is Daniel Marron
An Anti-District initiative petition placed the Library District on the November ballot. An intensive political campaign to continue the Library District was launched by Yuma County Friends of the Library. The Library District Ballot Proposition passed resoundingly with a 77% yes vote to support the continuation of the District.
Each of the cities and towns entered into intergovernmental agreements for District to provide library services. With the creation of the District, the Library Board of Trustees, (which had been an operating board,) became an advisory board. The nine member advisory board represented the City of Yuma with three members, Yuma County with three members, City of San Luis with one member, City of Somerton with one member, and Town of Wellton with one member.
The San Luis’ Arnold Cordova Jr. City Library and Wellton’s town library become branches with the Yuma County Library District. Yuma Library becomes the main library of the Yuma County Library District.
The second phase of the circulation Automation Project was completed with LSCA funds, and a machine-readable catalog (Micromax) for patrons was created. An LSCA grant “restoring branch resources” was implemented. Yuma Library celebrated its 66th year anniversary on February 24. A large bookmobile was purchased and Micromax catalogs became in use.
Director Nancy Cummings was selected Librarian of the Year by Arizona State Library Association.
Employee of the Year is Georgia Browning.
In March, the old school building that housed the Wellton Branch was condemned.
On April 13th, the City of Yuma deeded the Yuma Library building to the Free Library District. The Literacy Center moves out of Yuma Library and opens at 444 West Second Street, Yuma. Library literacy services continue in San Luis Branch. Video Home System (VHS) cassette tapes are added to library collection.
Employee of the Year is Jim Patrick

In February 1990, the Wellton Branch moved into the 30101 Hwy 80 location, provided by Frosty Braden.
The Somerton Branch moved from O.L. Carlisle School to Entre Nous building, furnished by City of Somerton.
Foothills moved from porch of Foothills Clubhouse (space donated by Hank Schechert) to a mobile home at 11737 Foothills Boulevard donated by Yuma Daily Sun. Old Bookmobile is converted into Mini Branch at Mohawk Valley school, opens on June 18, and is open two half days per week.
Employee of the Year is Thelma Elvoid

All four YCLD branches computerized with the addition of SCAMP catalog. Yuma Economic Development Center’s (YEDC) Procurement Assistance Center added to the Library District.
CD-ROMs added to Yuma Library for phone books, magazine article summaries, and Granger’s poetry. It is the 70th anniversary of the Yuma Library.
Employee of the Year is Diane Stratton

Arizona Western College added to district database and SCAMP online catalog with an Inter-governmental Agreement (IGA). EPIC database searches done by staff. YCLD adds CD-ROM resources. The last two branches, Somerton and Foothills, now have on-line catalog. First book discussion at Yuma Library.
Director Nancy Cummings is President of Arizona State Library Association.
Board of Trustees Member Jerry Stuart becomes Yuma City Councilman.
Employee of the Year is Judy Reynolds.
Dial up access begins to the On-line SCAMP library catalog. Micro Max catalogs phased out.
District’s budget: $1,970,00 with a collection of 284,508 items.
YEDC’s Procurement Assistance Center no longer with Library. The District allowed two book-fine amnesty days in June and then began using a collection agency to retrieve items checked out and not returned. District began using a collection agency for overdue materials.
District received Distinguished Organization Award of Excellence from Arizona Humanities Council.
Employee of the Year is Susan Evans
Yuma Library’s leaking roof is repaired. Some ceilings and lights are replaced and a new information desk installed at Yuma Library. YCLD becomes a Department within Yuma County; therefore, YCLD no longer pays its own bills and County Human Resources (HR) Department does position recruitment and other related HR issues.
YCLD Director Nancy Cummings resigns.
Employee of the Year is Daniel Marron.
On February 13, Foothills Library opens at 11279 S. Glenwood Ave, Suite 2. Connie Hey, Assistant Director, is appointed as YCLD Interim Director.
Charles Kendall, creator of Old Plank Roads (OPR) movie, signed his copyright for OPR over to the Friends of Yuma County Libraries, Inc. OPR was created in 1974. Friends begin selling videotaped copies of the movie. YCLD notified of the Elizabeth Moody grant from the Arizona Community Foundation.
Interim Director Connie Hey retires. Barbara Custen Feinberg hired as YCLD Director in April.
Employee of the Year is Carol Finfrock
Roll Branch Library becomes a full-service branch and opens on August 14th in Mohawk Elementary School Library.
Yuma Library hours cut from 64 to 52 hours with 2 ¾ positions unfilled. The Yuma Library closes on Mondays.
Joan Heida Murray, Public Services Coordinator, is hired as the Assistant Director in August.
Employee of the Year is Linda Kniffin.

The Yuma Library Foundation is organized as a non-profit, 501-C-3. Nonresident fees are $25 for one year, $15 for 6 months, $10 for 3 months or $5 for one month. The Yuma Library gets automatic doors through a grant from Yuma County DDS.
Yuma County Library District Long Range Plan 1999-2005 is created with public and staff input. Grant-funded murals created by Joel Zerega and Leon Myron. First publication of “Disabled in Yuma” by Joanne Millard, Special Services Liberian.
Barbara Custen Feinberg resigns in December.
Joan Heida Murray becomes Interim Director.
Employee of the Year is Frank Mazas.
Yuma Library updates their hours from 56 to 60 open hours. Internet access for the public began in May. Library Staff began providing Internet classes for the public that month. The District’s webpage – www.yumalibrary.org debuts in May.
Jim Patrick, Information Librarian, completes an index to District’s songbook collection. The Online SIRSI Unicorn catalog was on line in October. Gen Smith, Automation Manager, applies for the first year of E-rate. A Library Technology Plan is in place. Branches received cash registers.
Employee of the Year is Janet Moenk.

Wellton Branch Library opens at 10425 William Street, on August 21st using Town, County CDBG, and Wellton School funds.
Library District receives Bill and Melinda Gates grant which adds 32 computers to all the libraries. Periodical reading room in Yuma Library replaced with Computer Lab with 30 public access computers. All libraries have grand openings for the Gates’ computers.
Online subscription database added to the online catalog. Partnership with Yuma Private Industry Council’s Career Center through the LSTA grant enables libraries to have career computers with Career Center’s software. A Barnes & Noble link is added to www.yumalibrary.org which provides the District 5% of orders funds. Gun lockers installed in five branches. Spanish language module added to SIRSI on-line catalogs. Part of Yuma Library re-carpeted with 20 year guaranteed carpet. Rest of library carpet replaced in 2002. Steel sidewalk cover at Yuma Library built, thanks to bequest from estate of Marcell Moser. Dateland Branch moves into new school library in November.
Employee of the Year is Lucille Castillo
Dateland Branch process is completed. Dorothy Schechert donates 4.5 plus acres of land at Far West Blvd and 36th in Foothills for a future Foothills Branch location. There is a new landlord for the existing Foothills Branch. The Branch moved to 11299 S. Glenwood Avenue. It is the same size building with 2100 square feet.
At a budget hearing, the County Board of Supervisors states its need for bond election to fund needed libraries and recommends that a Master Planner be hired to assess facility needs for the next 20 years.
The District purges patron database of library cards that have not used in three years. (As of 2020, the purge is monthly.)
The Somerton Branch Library opens on December 10th with City of Somerton funds and County CDBG funding. Security Cameras were installed in the library. The Old Somerton Branch, 1,800 square feet, will be used as a meeting room. The New Somerton Branch is 4,910 square feet.
Work done at Yuma Library for earthquake safety. District adds DVDs to circulating collection. District holdings are 277,746 items with circulation of 614,600.
Employee of the Year is Julie Williamson

The Library District receives Yuma Sun’s Best Customer Service in a Government Agency Award.
One Book Yuma community reads program offered by Library District and Yuma Sun newspaper. The book selected is Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya.
Dick Waters of Providence Associates hired as consultant to produce Library District Master Plan. Structural analysis report for Yuma Library received. Yuma County’s Facilities Management staff coordinated the project.
SCAMP phased out completely. Staff, volunteers, and student workers required to wear photo IDs at work. Security cameras installed at Yuma Library.
A Security guard for Yuma Library is approved in 03/04 budget. A Security guard hired in November 2003. Information Services Librarian position reallocated to create an Information Services Manager position.
Employee of the Year is Sandi Montgomery, Wellton Branch Library Assistant I.
Joan Murray retired as Director, effective February 2, 2004, with her last day of work January 23, 2004. Susan Evans appointed as Interim Director January 23, 2004 and appointed as Director on June 1, 2004. Carla Peterson is appointed Assistant Director on August 20, 2004.
YCLD jobs are now posted on-line on the volunteersolutions.org website.
Booker T. Bear’s debut was on December 10 at the Library’s first float in the city’s Christmas Parade of Lights.
Employee of the Year is Elizabeth Butler. Anne Ruggles and Carol Finfrock were runners-up.

The District began preparation for a bond election to be held November 8 to build new facilities. There were multiple presentations to the community. The bond was successful and passed for $53.7 million.
Employee of the Year is Sarah Wisdom.

Yuma County Channel 77 begins filming a monthly “Library Update” segment for the County Line news program.
PinnacleOne is hired as the Project Manager
Construction methods chosen were:
New Main: Construction Manager at Risk
Foothills: Design/Build
San Luis: Construction Manager at Risk
Wellton: Design/Build
Old Main: Design/Build
Land was purchased for new Main Branch at Avenue B and 28th Streets. Staff and volunteers move Main Library collection into temporary locations on Main St. so renovations to the building could begin. Acquired land from BLM for San Luis. Choose new location for Foothills. Town of Wellton decided to donate land for the new Wellton library.
One Book Yuma community reading program re-launched by Library District, AWC- NAU Library, AWC Office of Diversity, and the Yuma Sun. The book selected is The Devil’s Highway by Luis Urrea.
Employee of the Year is Lana Hartwell.

The first café service is offered at the Main Library’s temporary location. One Book Yuma selection is They Poured Fire On Us From the Sky by Benson Deng.
Groundbreaking for the new Wellton Library July 18, 2007
Community Relations Manager position created.
Groundbreaking for the new Foothills Library September 26, 2007.
The Yuma Library becomes a “Cooperating Collection” of the Foundation Center. Fund Development Officer Cecilia Young elected as the 2008 Vice President of the AZ Chapter of the American Association of Grant Professionals.
Employee of the Year is Dan Worthen.

Groundbreaking for the new Main Library is on February 4, 2008. Groundbreaking for Somerton Library expansion April 14, 2008. New Wellton Branch Library opens May 17, 2008.
New computers installed in Dateland and Roll libraries as part of the Expansion Project eBooks and eAudiobooks added to the collection.
Groundbreaking for new San Luis Library June 24, 2008.
Staff and volunteers move collection to former location, 350 S Third Avenue July 26-August 14, 2008.
Heritage Branch Library (formerly known as Main) opens August 14, 2008. New Foothills Branch Library opens September 20, 2008.
One Book Yuma selection is Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario.
Employee of the Year is Silvestre Curiel.

Spanish Outreach Coordinator position created. Expanded Somerton Branch Library opens March 19, 2009. Staff and volunteers move collection from Heritage Library to new Main Library. New Main Library opens on May 21, 2009. Non-Profit Resource Center (inside the Main Library) opens on June 18, 2009
Security service hired where one security guard is added at Main Library. Fund Development office granted AmeriCorp VISTA volunteer for 1 year. New San Luis Branch Library opens August 22, 2009. Somerton Library float wins 1st place in the 11th Annual Fiestas Patrias Parade.
One Book Yuma selection is Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich.
Employee of the Year is Blanca McLoughlin.

Main Library hosts StoryCorps Mobile Booth from January 4 – February 1, 2010.
Library District begins hosting Staff Enrichment Day.
Library District received $131,760 from the Broadband USA: Connecting America’s Communities Grant (part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009) to purchase 90 computers. Fund Development office granted 2 AmeriCorp VISTA volunteers for 1 year.
The Somerton Library Float wins 2nd place in the 30th Annual Somerton Greater Days Parade. Main Library hosts makeshift jail cell and invites patrons to “do time in the slammer,” garnering local and national media attention. (“In tradition of Twain, authors lash out at censors this week” CNN.com, 9/28/10)
Employee of the Year is Mimi Duncan.

One Book Yuma selection for 2010-2011 is Working in the Shadows by Gabriel Thompson.
Somerton Library wins “Over Best – Float Division” in the 13th Annual Fiestas Patrias Parade
Employee of the Year is Bryan Summers. Becky Bush and Kate Griffin are Library Stars.

The One Book Yuma selection is, Women Who Live in Coffee Shops and Other Stories by Stella Pope Duarte.
Library District wins 2nd place for “Best Public Services” in the Yuma Sun’s Best of Yuma survey. Yuma County hosts their State Centennial Celebration and buries a time capsule in the Main Library’s new Centennial Heritage Area February 10, 2012.
Employee of the Year is Alex Garcia. Elizabeth Bigham and Rebecca McSween are Library Stars.

One Book Yuma selection is, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.
The Somerton Library Float wins 2nd place in the 15th Annual Fiestas Patrias Parade. Library District is a finalist in the category of “Great Place to Work” in the Yuma Sun’s Workplace Awards.
Digital magazines added to the collection. Library District and YCAT launch “Libraries on the Go,” supplying YCAT buses with used books and magazines.
Booker Bear book drop installed at the Main Library courtesy of the Library Foundation. Video conferencing equipment throughout the district installed courtesy of the Library Foundation. Library Employee of the Month program begins.
Employee of the Year is Rebecca McSween. Laurie Boone is Library Star.

The Library District places in the Top 3 for “Best Bookstore/Public Services” in the Yuma Sun’s “Yuma’s Best” survey.
One Book Yuma selection is The Blue Tattoo by Margo Mifflin.
Streaming movie and music services are added to the collection.
The Main Library hosts its first ever, Library Comic Convention (Comic Con). Library District enters an IGA with the Arizona Historical Society to house the Rio Colorado Library and Archives Collections at the Heritage Library. Open House is May 13, 2014.
Library District accepts payment online for fines and fees.
San Luis Library hosts its 1st Annual Back to School Fair and later hosts its 1st Annual Art Exhibition in conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month. Foothills Library adds 30 parking spaces.
Carla Peterson retires as Assistant Director December 5, 2014. Lisa Mendez is appointed Assistant Director on December 9, 2014. The Employee of the Year is Sarah Wisdom. Lauren Regenhardt and Jessica Kerekes are Library Stars.

The Library celebrates 95 Years! The One Book Yuma selection is, Lady at the O.K. Corral by Ann Kirschner.
The Foothills Library Astronomy group was accepted as representatives from Yuma County to be a part of RECON, a team of citizen scientists to receive telescope equipment and training from the National Science Foundation. The Coworking Oasis entrepreneurial center opens at the Main Library on April 6, 2015.
The Employee of the Year is Sandy Gutierrez. Andrew Zollman and Maria Mendez are Library Stars.

The One Book Yuma selection is Falling From Horses by Molly Gloss.
Foothills Library hosts its 1st Annual Art & Poetry event.
The Library District receives two 3D printers purchased by the Library Foundation.
The San Luis Chamber of Commerce presented an award to the San Luis Library for “commitment to the community.” YCLD receives two awards from the Arizona Association of Counties: “Summit Award in Libraries” for Look Up, Yuma County! astronomy program and “Public-Private Partnership Merit Award” for partnership with RECON.
San Luis Library hosts, “In His Own Words: The Life and Work of César Chávez,” an exhibition from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Main Library hosts “Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness” from the National Library of Medicine.
Danny Marron wins Yuma County’s 2016 Safety Award.
The Employee of the Year is Lauren Regenhardt. Chris Coolman is Library Star.

The Library District becomes a weekly guest on “Today in Yuma” radio show. The One Book Yuma selection is The Cold Dish: a Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson.
Library District distributes 3,000 pairs of solar glasses from StarNet where the Main Library hosts a solar eclipse viewing event with solar filtered telescopes, attracting hundreds of people.
Main Library hosts “Discover Space: a Cosmic Journey” interactive exhibit. Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan presents YCLD with a grant to purchase the Promethean Table with the Libraries Enabling Assistive Discovery Tech Project from the Arizona State Library.
The Employee of the Year is Dorey Conway. Andrew Zollman and Maria Mendez are Library Stars.

The One Book Yuma selection is Mythical River by Melissa Sevigny.
The Main Library hosts the “Thinking Money” exhibit. San Luis Library’s Hispanic Heritage Art Exhibition wins an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). The Foothills Library is one of three locations selected for a Community Mural Project.
Library District launches Community History Project with a grant from the Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma. The Arizona Historical Society donates the collection housed in the Heritage Library’s Historical Archives to the Library District.
The Employee of the Year is Becky Brendel. Chris Coolman is Library Star.

The Main Library celebrates 10 years! The One Book Yuma selection is Where Have All the Sheep Gone? by Barbara Jaquay. The Library District launches mobile app.
Susan Evans retires as Director. Lisa Mendez is appointed as Interim Director on May 6th and officially becomes the Library Director on October 21st. Ashley Jackman is appointed Deputy Director on December 23rd.
The Library District wins two Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties (NACo) for the Somerton Library’s Día de los Niños event and the Foothills Library’s Art & Poetry event.
Employee of the Year is Jim Patrick. Carol Perez and Antonio Rios are Library Stars.

One Book Yuma selection is Indianapolis by Lynn Vincent & Sara Vladic.
The library closes to the public on March 18th due to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Despite the county mandated shut down, the District opened the Pick Up Window at Main and launched curbside pick at the branches on May 18. To promote the new services staff create Curbside is Possible video which is recognized by Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and Arizona State Librarian Holly Henley. (Booker even made his acting debut!)
On September 21st, the Yuma County Library District eliminates all late fines.
The library opens to the public with limited services on October 5th.
On October 22nd, YCLD becomes a selective U.S. Government Depository library allowing free access to government material to patrons.

The Digital Program Editor position is created.
On February 24, YCLD celebrates 100 years of library service in Yuma County. The Yuma County Board of Supervisors proclaim 2021 as the “Year of the Library in Yuma County.”
YCLD reinstates Dial-A-Story in English and Spanish.
Somerton Library begins a WiFi Hotspot Lending Program.
With a grant from the AZ State Library and help from local agencies, YCLD places “Pop Up Libraries” (mobile hotspots that allow users to access YCLD’s e-book collection) in several high-traffic locations where people may be waiting for indeterminate times.
On June 1, libraries resume regular hours of operation and most services.
Solar-covered parking is installed at the Foothills and Main libraries as part of a grant-funded County project.
Heritage Library’s “Senior Storytime” outreach program wins an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo).
Main Library hosts “Americans and the Holocaust” interactive exhibit December 1 – January 14.

One Book Yuma selection is Falling by T.J. Newman.
On February 9th, YCLD launches a new website, catalog, and app.
Library District is awarded #PlantWildflowers Initiative Grant.
YCLD partners with Act One to offer free Culture Passes to library cardholders for admission to various attractions in Arizona.
YCLD partners with the Yuma County Health District to distribute COVID-19 Home Tests.
After 2 years of virtual summer reading programs, YCLD reinstates in-person programming.
“Smart Start Kits,” promoting early literacy, wins an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo).
Library District joins the Library Speaker Consortium to offer live Virtual Author Talks.
With a grant from the AZ State Library, the Foothills Library installs a P.O.D. (Privacy On Demand), an enclosed, sound-insulated space that provides privacy for job interviews, phone calls, and meetings.
The Main Library purchases STEAM to Go! interactive kits with a grant from the AZ State Library.
Employee of the Year is Silvestre Curiel.

One Book Yuma selection is A Dream Called Home by Reyna Grande.
Main Library launches Memory Cafes and offers Memory Kits for people experiencing memory loss.
Using funds provided by the Yuma Library Foundation, a Media Studio Room opens at Main Library on February 1st.
The Library District replaces SIRSI catalog software with Polaris.
In partnership with the Arizona Science Center, the Main Library hosts “The Science of Guinness World Records” from June 16th – July 29th.
Main Library hosts a solar eclipse viewing event with solar filtered telescopes and solar glasses provided by STAR_NET and Friends of Yuma County Libraries on October 14th.
Based on a community survey, hours of operation at branch libraries are updated.
The Main Library hosts the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human? from December 4th, 2023 through January 13th, 2024.
Employee of the Year is Blanca Garcia.

One Book Yuma selection is Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of The Grand Canyon by Melissa L. Sevigny.
Lisa Mendez retires as Director. Ashley Jones is appointed as Interim Director on February 2nd and officially becomes the Library Director on March 3rd. Sarah Wisdom is appointed Deputy Director on April 22nd.
The Library District competes in the first Chairman's Cup Competition for Yuma County on March 19th.
Main Library hosts a solar eclipse viewing event with solar filtered telescopes and solar glasses provided by STAR_NET and Friends of Yuma County Libraries on April 8th.
Air conditioning units at Main Library are replaced July 20th.
In observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, the San Luis Library hosts "Origins," their 10th Annual Art Exhibition featuring the artwork of local artists, from September 14 – October 15.
Friends of the Library groups are consolidated in October 2024.
The Main Library hosts an open house on October 10 to introduce Adult STEM program series, made possible by a grant from LSTA.
Employee of the Year is Maria Mendez.