This policy is intended to protect the rights and safety of Yuma County Library District (YCLD) patrons, volunteers and staff; protect the library’s materials, equipment, facilities and grounds; and ensure that access to Library facilities, programs, or services is not negatively impacted by behaviors that create an environment that is unsafe, disruptive, or not conducive to the Library’s mission.
Customer Conduct
Dangerous, Threatening, or Illegal Conduct
To ensure a safe environment, the following actions or behaviors are not allowed on Library property.
Any act that constitutes an offense under federal, state, or local law, including, but not limited to:
• Engaging in activities involving the sexual exploitation of minors;
• Using the Internet for activity that violates Arizona law, including engaging in activities that are harmful to minors when children are present;
• Theft;
• Damaging, defacing, or destroying library property or the property of others;
• Indecent exposure, public sexual indecency, lewd acts, or any other sexual offense;
• Disorderly conduct, including, but not limited to: fighting; engaging in violent or seriously disruptive behavior; or threatening or intimidating library staff, volunteers, or any library customer;
• Harassing or stalking library staff, volunteers, or any library customer. This conduct includes, but is not limited to:
• Filming or photographing any visitor without asking that visitor’s permission; or continuing to film or photograph any visitor after being asked to desist; or
• Engaging in conduct (such as crowding, following closely, persistent staring, gestures, pushing, shoving, or inappropriate advances) that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their personal safety or feel distressed, alarmed, or harassed; or
• Using profane, offensive or abusive language that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their personal safety or feel distressed, alarmed, or harassed.
• Possessing, using, selling, or transferring any illegal drug or alcohol;
• Trespassing, including knowingly entering restricted areas at any time, or library premises when access and use of library facilities has been suspended.
• Remaining inside the library facility after closing, during emergencies or fire drills.
• Bringing guns, weapons, machetes, knives (other than pocket knives), or other items designed or intended to injure or harm people, unless explicitly permitted by law.
Disruptive Personal Behavior
The following actions or behaviors are not allowed on Library property:
• Behaving in a manner that disrupts library operations, including, but not limited to: shouting or yelling in a way that disrupts other’s use of the library or behaving in a way that could hurt oneself or others.
• Disruptive use of personal devices; use of audio devices without headphones
• Strong, pervasive odors, including clothing odor, and odors caused by food, perfume or cologne that are injurious to health, offensive to the senses or an obstruction to the free use or comfortable enjoyment of library premises by other library customers or library staff.
• Inappropriate use of water fountains or restrooms, including, but not limited to, soliciting or engaging in sexual conduct, bathing, personal grooming, or washing clothes.
• Using the library as a place to sleep.
• Soliciting handouts, donations or contributions.
• Conducting sales activities.
• Not wearing shoes or shirts (except for infants or toddlers who are being carried).
• Smoking, rolling, or using any tobacco product, marijuana, synthetic tobacco, synthetic marijuana or electronic or other e-cigarettes (smokeless or the equivalent).
• Entering a library building with animals, except for service animals as defined by federal and state law.
• Creating tripping hazards, or blocking aisles, exits or entrances.
• Bringing in bedrolls, luggage, luggage substitutes, or boxes, or attempting to place or store in the library any item(s) that interferes with library operations; creates a safety hazard; denies space to other customers; blocks aisles; blocks access to or exit from the building; is unsanitary or foul-smelling; or has dimensions that exceed 24 inches in height and 12 inches in width (excluding items necessary for medical purposes or child care or items that are being utilized for presentations or meetings inside meeting rooms/study rooms).
• Driving or riding any wheeled vehicles into the library, with the exception of wheelchairs and scooters used by individuals with physical disabilities.
• Charging of anything larger than laptops and cellphones.
• Leaving packages, backpacks, luggage, or any other personal items unattended. Unattended items are subject to removal without notice.
• Failing to comply with a library staff member’s request to stop a behavior prohibited in this Code of Conduct or any other library or County policy.
• Any other behavior that seriously disrupts library operations or the use of the library by others.
Use of library materials and property
The following actions or behaviors are not allowed on Library property:
• Manipulating or bypassing Library systems and procedures, such as those that regulate computer use.
• Unplugging library equipment.
• Consuming food or beverages in a manner that creates an unclean environment, disrupts the activities of staff or other customers; disrupts the enjoyment of the library by other customers; or soils, damages, or in any way harms Library materials, equipment and property. Beverages must have a cap or a lid. Staff have the final say on what is permissible.
• Consuming food or drinks at computer workstations.
• Failure to clean up any residue, wrappings, or spills after the consumption of food or beverages.
• Using furniture for anything other than its intended purpose (e.g. a table is not a footstool).
• Engaging in activities not reasonably associated with use of a public library.
Children in the Library
Children under the age of 10 must be supervised at all times by a parent or caregiver who is 16 years old or older. Yuma County Libraries are not licensed childcare facilities under A.R.S. 36-881 et. seq. Children are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not violate the code of conduct or disrupt other customers. Library staff members cannot serve in place of parents or guardians and the library is not responsible for any consequences of a parent’s or guardian’s neglect of their responsibilities.
Additionally, the following actions or behaviors are not allowed on library property:
• Disciplining a child in a manner that injures the child or disrupts other customers.
• Leaving young children unsupervised or ignoring their disruptive behaviors.
• Adults using the children’s or teen’s areas without a child/teen or need for children’s or teen’s material.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
Failure to comply with this and YCLD’s other established policies may result in:
• The immediate removal of the patron from the premises, and/or
• Suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a period of time, and/or
• Denying access to specific services and/or programs
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 1/14/25
Approved by the Yuma County Board of Supervisors: 2/19/25