Privacy of Library Users Policy

Yuma County Library District (YCLD) will adhere to the provisions of Arizona law regarding the privacy of library users.

Release of Customer Information
In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §41-151.22, YCLD shall not disclose “any record or other information which identifies a user of library services as requesting or obtaining specific materials or otherwise using the library,” except that a library administrator may authorize the release of information under one of the following conditions:
• The user in question has given written permission.
• YCLD is presented with a court order to release the information, or is required to testify in a court of law.
• YCLD is required by law to disclose the information.
• The information is necessary for reasonable operation of YCLD. (For example, the information is necessary for preparation and distribution of overdue notices.)

Staff members will notify Library Administration immediately of any attempt to obtain user information protected under A.R.S. §41-151.22.

Yuma County Library District – Public Spaces
YCLD adheres to the A.R.S. §41-151.22 “Privacy of User Records” mandates that public libraries are obligated to “…not allow disclosure of any record or other information, including e-books, that identifies a user of library services as requesting or obtaining specific materials or services or as otherwise using the library.”

YCLD is careful to ensure that no photography or filming can occur in such a way that identifies an individual and associates them with specific library materials, services or as otherwise using the library.

Release of Other Library Information
YCLD retains and manages official records in accordance with:
• A.R.S. §41-151.14 – State and local public records management
• A.R.S. §41-151.22 – Privacy of user records

Any requests from the public for copies of official records, or any requests for other information from staff or YCLD files/records, will be forwarded to the Library Director for disposition and/or review with the County Attorney.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: 1/14/25
Approved by the Yuma County Board of Supervisors: 2/19/25

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